A worried mind racing around looking for a safe retreat will never act with a true sense of urgency.
Fuller’s message before and after the game was simple: “Play like a girl.”
If we as leaders are going to build our culture and create a process, we will find resistance along the way.
We have a hard time speaking our true feelings in the moment out of fear they could come across as disloyal or confrontational.
Being able to combine creativity, calculation, art and science will help anyone’s thought process.
My life is a freewill offering of all my gifts, talents and skills.
May the next few months be a period of magnificent transformation.
The real work of leadership begins inside of your mind.
While there is a ton to be thankful for each day we awake, we can often be consumed by yesterday and worried about tomorrow.
Coach Glenn Wilkes led a life of service, devotion and purpose.
"Find hope in the darkest days and focus in the brightest."
A few kind words always will make someone's day.