10 Ways To Gain Wisdom

There are so many great lessons in Noah Weinberg's 48 points that each could stand alone as a pathway to self-improvement.

We all love to gain wisdom — and Noah Weinberg’s books can help. Weinberg was a rabbi and the founder of Aish HaTorah who wrote a powerful book called The 48 Ways to Wisdom. There are so many great lessons in his 48 points that each could stand alone as a pathway to self-improvement.

We picked 10 that might help all of us grow as leaders.

  1. Introduce yourself to yourself – Don’t go through life making assumptions about who you are. Take time now before a crisis comes along and forces the issue.

  2. The power of awe – In the face of the Grand Canyon or a hurricane, we feel exhilaratingly small. It’s the power of awe.

  3. Mastering fear – Roller coasters and horror movies… we pay good money to be scared out of our wits. Harness the energy of “fear” for positive purposes.

  4. True charisma – Humility is not an inferiority complex. It’s doing the right thing and not being dependent on the opinion of others.

  5. Total concentration – Don’t read about wisdom in a book. Find an expert and watch how he works.

  6. Think about it – We make snap decisions or may mull over decisions for too long. Become skilled at a happy medium of decision-making.

  7. Apply business acumen to living – A business has to function at maximum efficiency. Apply those same core principles to your pursuit of a great personal and spiritual life.

  8. The art of conversation – People today are busier than ever, “conversation time” is diminishing. Is anyone out there listening?

  9. Conquer frustration – It’s a tough world and we have to be persistent. Accept the frustration as a challenge – and love it!

  10. Know your place – Every person has a unique contribution to make in this world. Figure out your role in the grand scheme.

Get the book and soon you will find the way to wisdom.