3 Gentle Reminders For This Moment

It's easy to become consumed with strategizing, stressing and overthinking so much about "What's Next" that we undervalue "What Is Now."

If 2020 has taught us anything, it's that no matter how much we plan for the future, we will always have to reconcile with events outside of our control. These experiences can sometimes challenge us to return to the only moment that is ever guaranteed: right now.

In a quick-fix culture that confuses busyness with high performance productivity, it is easy to become consumed with strategizing, stressing and overthinking so much about "What's Next" that we undervalue "What Is Now." As leaders and agents of change, how we show up for ourselves and our teams today can positively or inversely affect what happens next or two weeks from now.

Today's purposeful sowing is preparing the foundation for tomorrow's harvest of growth, breakthroughs, transformation and discoveries. While shifting from a "What's Next" mindset to a "What Is Now" mentality can take time, the following are three gentle reminders as we immerse ourselves into this moment on our self-discovery and self-leadership journeys.

Mindful Breathing

Focusing attention on our breath is a simple yet powerful practice. Mindfully observing our inhalations and exhalations throughout the day allows us to reconnect with ourselves and disconnect from the constant stimulation that battles for our attention. Our breath is always the starting point as we transcend and rise above perceived limitations.

Mastery Begins with the Fundamentals

There is a timeless adage that says how you do anything is how you do everything. There are no shortcuts to self and collective mastery. When we attempt to cheat the process and stray away from the fundamentals, we cheat the craft, ourselves, those we lead, and those who came before us and laid the foundation. Each day, let’s cultivate a graceful pride for why we do what we do by our meticulous preparation, disciplined actions and focusing on the fundamentals.

Reframe the Self-Talk

The most important relationship we will ever have is the one with ourselves. Each day is a sacred opportunity to focus on how we talk to ourselves about ourselves. It is always in our control to reframe our self-talk and let go of fear-based narratives that are not serving our holistic growth. Caring for and showing up for ourselves like we show up for others will always take patience, self-compassion, and moments of solitude. When in doubt, be kind to yourself and the reflection in the mirror. You are enough.

While we are not in control of what happens next week, three months or a year from now, we control how we decide to live, lead, think, serve and grow at this moment. What happens tomorrow is greatly influenced by what we do right now.

Let’s commit to leading ourselves and to being a positive difference-maker while taking one step at a time in the here and now.

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