3 Mental Frameworks to Begin Practicing

When it's all said and done, it won't be about the titles we held or the accolades we garnered.

Some of our most instrumental lessons are not attained in any lecture, session or textbook — but by courageously embarking on life's daily exams.

As leaders, we can put immense internal pressure on ourselves to have the correct answers and say the right things. But often, we'd be better off slowing down and listening with an intent to understand instead of to reply and be right.

The self-examination process of exploring who we are, where we've been, and where we want to go is never ending. While we've all experienced painful defeats and setbacks at one point or another, these experiences are necessary to uncover the depths of our authentic selves and humanity.

When our environment becomes hectic and we feel overwhelmed, let's remind ourselves that life isn't happening to us. It's happening for us.

The following three mental frameworks can remind us this year that the journey toward self-mastery, self-actualization and self-leadership isn't completed overnight. It's a long, transformative, never-ending marathon of repetition and daily disciplines far from the bright lights.

1. The Art of Patience

Every day, we have an opportunity to decide on a unique value proposition. We can go backward, remain stagnate or move forward with a hunger to get 1 percent better in some facet of our lives. While it can be human nature to question our purpose and compare ourselves to others, we must continue to trust the timing of our lives. Accepting what is, letting go of what was, and having faith in what will be becomes the birthplace of focusing on the process over the product.

2. The Art of Learning, Unlearning and Re-learning

Rather than being taught how to think, we're often trained to regurgitate information as facts. As long as we have the liberty of life, we can challenge our thoughts and beliefs. Discovering our outer limits and exhausting every finite niche of our potential takes place when we age in grace, while still acknowledging our childlike curiosities and eagerness to question "Why" along the journey.

3. The Art of Designing Your Life

Life is too short, no matter our longevity. It's precious and should be cherished. While we may understand that, in theory, we often can gravitate toward what is most comfortable, thus delaying and postponing our dreams. There will never be a perfect time to get started. All that is ever guaranteed is the moment where our feet are. So, what chapter of your story are you writing today with these 86,400 seconds of unique opportunity? Is it one of "should have," "would have," and "could have" or is it one of "I did."

We have the chance today to work toward building a legacy that stretches beyond ourselves. When it's all said and done, it won't be about the titles we held or the accolades we garnered — but the hearts we touched and the lives we transformed.