4 Questions To Move Toward Purpose

In a world where we can be anything, we often choose to be something other than ourselves.

When we were children, there was a sense of true liberation as we approached our days through the lens of the unknown. We began to discover some answers through our family members, teachers, coaches and environments.

But as we aged ― becoming more conditioned and shaped by our circumstances and personal experiences — that childlike spirit became somewhat suppressed.

By becoming so consumed with perfection, we have lost some of the beauty of discovering the answers to our questions. We have forgotten that sometimes the silence that is sparked by our curiosity is the answer.

In a world where we can be anything, we often choose to be something other than ourselves. Being ourselves starts with self-compassion, self-discipline and self-leadership. Being ourselves and showing up authentically begins when we permit ourselves to unlearn behaviors and habits that no longer serve us, while leaning into life's sometimes difficult but necessary questions.

Noor Tagouri, an award-winning journalist and producer, has nurtured her curiosity and thirst for knowledge to build an influential and purposeful career around storytelling and philanthropy.

When asked about the power of questions, she said:

“I think in questions and that's kind of the language of my brain. So, it's one that allows me to not be limited by what is possible. If we are choosing to constantly evolve, then we must stay curious. We must be willing to ask questions. Even when we do find answers, or get answers, recognize that those answers are not finite.”

Each of us has a unique, purposeful calling and assignment that only we can accomplish with our talents, skills and experiences. As we go inward with life's unknowns, silence ultimately enables us to cultivate clarity and connection.

As we think about where we are today and how we can continue to blossom, here are four questions to reflect on:

  1. What makes your heart beat?

  2. What makes you come alive?

  3. What are you called to create in this world?

  4. What world do you long to inhabit?

Deep thinking and non-judgmental reflection are intended to move us from impact to purpose as we aspire to live and lead more mindfully-centered lives.

Our life is a marathon. Our growth and healing are marathons. We do not need to rush any of it; yet, we must be more intentional, accountable and strategic about how we are running our race.

To put ourselves in the best position to keep running, let's keep venturing inward, staying uncommonly curious and never being afraid to ask the questions our heart deeply yearns to have explored.

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