Can You Both Motivate and Inspire?

Inspiration and motivation are two distinct elements that need to be handled differently. 

Music icon Tony Bennett is still singing away, despite turning 94 this week. Bennett’s career has spanned more than seven decades and shows no sign of slowing down. From working with Pearl Bailey in the 1950s to performing recently with Lady Gaga, Bennett has withstood the test of time in the music business. When asked how he has been able to maintain his longevity, Bennett replied: “I have never worked a day in my life.”

Not working a day in his life has allowed Bennett to draw inspiration from his work. And with each performance, he’s inspired to do more.

But inspiration and motivation are two distinct elements that need to be handled differently. Some of those we lead need inspirations, others need motivation. Good leaders can motivate. Great leaders can motivate and inspire.

People who require motivation need to be compelled to do something. They need a call to action with sharp words and powerful imagery. People who need to be inspired must have a fire lit under them. Then they take off, never looking back. When Bennett says he never worked, it means that despite probably having moments of not wanting to travel or perform two nights in a row, he still felt inspired to do the work and didn’t view it as a chore. He may have needed a little inspiration at times, but overall, the job brought him great joy.

As leaders, we need to make two lists of the people we lead. On one list, we place the people who need motivation, and on the other, we place those who need inspiration. Before finalizing the list, we need to spend a great deal of time ensuring we are accurate in our evaluations. Then, each day, we give both lists what they need before the work begins. This can be done in a group setting or behind the scenes, but both need their daily fuel, and it’s our job as leaders to provide that stimulation.

We must work hard to become a dual threat leader. We always need to motivate, always need to inspire, and, most importantly, know what each person needs. Review the list continually, always looking to see if people have shifted their behaviors. If you don’t know what your people need, how can you lead best?

The great leaders always know.

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