Does Your Daily Routine Serve A Greater Purpose?

It’s easy to list mundane tasks we know we’ll complete, but what higher calling are you striving toward?

We’re always in search of the best daily routine, the one that can make us more productive. Look on Amazon for habits, and more than 1,000 titles pop up. But Ben Franklin didn’t have Amazon back in the 18th century.

We now all know his famous saying: “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” So, it’s no surprise Franklin began his routine at 5 a.m. posing one fundamental question: “What good shall I do this day?”

All daily routines must have a greater purpose, an idealistic philosophy of sorts. It’s easy to list mundane tasks we know we’ll complete, but what higher calling are you striving toward? It’s a question that should serve as inspiration to sacrifice while also committing to positively impact the future. If our focus is simply “Win the Day,” we’re really just focusing on the outcome and overlooking the self-development journey.

Our daily routines will vary because we all lead different lives.

But there should be 3 key pillars regardless of our age, occupation or income.

  1. Discipline

  2. Process

  3. Reflection

When all three are combined, we can then acquire successful habits and make each day becomes better than the one that preceded it.

Franklin’s sheet forced him to be regimented and enabled him to reflect on his progress and holistic growth. By nighttime, he was asking, “What good have I done today.”

His simple ingredients for excellence still work more than 250 years later.

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