Dear Class of 2020

The most important relationship you will ever engage in is the relationship with yourself.

Dear Class of 2020,

Commencement season is upon us, although under very different circumstances. Many gatherings will be produced virtually or just outright postponed — one of the harsher realities the COVID-19 crisis has dealt us. Graduation has always been an opportunity to celebrate the journey while acknowledging the time, energy, and sacrifices that made the milestone possible. It’s also been a chance to give sincere appreciation to the village of supporters who invested their time, love, inspiration, and resources along the way.

You are likely experiencing an array of emotions right now. Gratitude, joy, excitement, eagerness, and optimism. But also fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and unrest stemming from the unknown of what awaits. Realize these emotions are normal, even the ones that scare you. They don’t make you weak or inadequate — they simply make you human. As you begin this next phase of your life, understand that you were not born to be perfect. You were born to be real. The journey toward self-mastery is a marathon, not a sprint. And you are more than ready to take on this next leg.

May the following themes empower your life as you embark on this new chapter. Trust your brilliance. Trust your voice. Trust your intuition. And trust your beauty. It has and always will live within you.

The Preciousness of Time

Our most sacred gift is time. On our self-discovery journey, we can get so consumed with yesterday and worried about tomorrow that we undervalue the power of today. Nothing in life is guaranteed — literally nothing. Use each day as a blank page to love, to serve, to learn, to unlearn, to relearn, to create, to let go, to read, to write, to inspire, to heal, and to forgive. Every day, you have a unique opportunity to tell your story and be the very best version of yourself.

Life Is About Relationships

You will come across many individuals on your journey, and the opportunities will present you with an incredible chance to surround yourself with people who might not look, think, and act like you. Be receptive to them and cherish these moments as you learn to see the world through another lens. As you connect with others, do not forget to reconnect with yourself. The most important relationship you will ever engage in is the relationship with yourself. Our lives are no better than the relationship we have with our minds. As you nurture that relationship with yourself, you will be able to master the art of connecting with others.

Design the Life You Envision

Live your life by design. While we live in a culture of instant gratification, there is no overnight success formula for sustainable personal growth. Cultivating excellence is not a quick process. It is a daily grind of meticulous preparation and repetition. Comparing yourself and where you are to anyone else's journey robs you of your inner peace. We must define our own standards of greatness while discovering and re-discovering what in life makes us feel authentically human.

Celebrate Your Story

Your uniqueness is your magic. There is no one like you — nobody. You are not a finished product. Life is about growth and transformation. Each day you have the ability to evolve to new heights and discoveries. Protect your peace on this journey from the external — the places, people, and circumstances that try to dictate your narrative. Realize your self-worth can never be determined by others. Your self-worth is determined by you. You are enough. Fearlessly acknowledge your story and spread kindness everywhere you go.

It is inevitable that we will experience minor setbacks and major comebacks as we navigate this exam called life. Realize deeply that all of these experiences are necessary for us to unlock the outer depths of who we are, where we are and the person we are becoming. Life is your canvas and playground. Paint the journey you desire and play freely without self-sabotaging your dreams.

Congratulations on this remarkable achievement! May the days, weeks, months, and years ahead be filled with vibrant health, peace, stillness, gratitude, grace, and self-discovery.

Your Marathon Continues Class of 2020!

P.S. If you are in search of a book recommendation, our team at The Daily Coach highly recommends Good Vibes, Good Life: How Self-Love Is the Key to Unlocking Your Greatness by Vex King. How can you learn to truly love yourself? How can you transform negative emotions into positive ones? In this book, Instagram guru Vex King answers all of these questions and more. Vex overcame adversity to become a source of hope for thousands of young people, and now draws from his personal experience and his intuitive wisdom to inspire you to practice self-care, overcome toxic energy, prioritize your wellbeing, and cultivate positive lifestyle habits, including mindfulness and meditation. King shows you that when you change the way you think, feel, speak and act, you begin to change the world.

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