Dear, Self ― A Thanksgiving Letter of Gratitude

On this day, know that I am proud of you, and I am grateful that you are here.

Dear Self,

Thank you. Yes, simply thank you. 

Amid the realities of life, I realize that sometimes I can become so consumed with yesterday or tomorrow that I neglect the importance of now.

It's often said that lived experiences are the best teachers. Well, this year has taught, inspired and challenged us to lean deeper into the unknown and venture beyond our comfort zones. Through each moment of love and joy, pain and adversity, this year has taught us to be more at peace with stillness, silence and self-care.

As we celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States today, we should aspire to incorporate the practice of gratitude into our daily leadership and life toolkit. This act alone can begin to leverage the power of the human spirit while giving a more profound perspective to our own experiences. 

On this day, know that I am proud of you, and I am grateful that you are here. Not because you did, said, thought or became something special ― but because through it all, you have continued to rise and find a way. 

Even when the journey becomes dark and the next step is unclear, there is always a reason to live in gratitude. We just have to discover it, appreciate it and live it. No matter how dark a day becomes, the sun will always rise tomorrow. As it does so, may you rise with it as well while counting the blessings of your life and the sacredness of your exhale. The unique spirit that is you is special and more than enough.

Let's cherish the moments and opportunities of today to give thanks. No matter your longevity, the journey is finite and fragile. But you still have time to express your grace and gratitude each day, as if it is your last.

Thank you for being you and for showing up in this work of self-leadership. You are adored and appreciated.

