Deposits Into Our Growth

This process allows us to stack the days brick by brick while going to bed with a level of self-compassion.

“I’ll tell you what Freedom is to me. No Fear.” — Nina Simone

Too often, we allow the fear of failure, the anxiousness of the unknown, and our own self-doubt cripple our ability to merely get started.

In a world where the outcome is so often glamorized over the process, staying the course, writing our own story, and mastering the art of steady improvement becomes a truly rare skillset.

As leaders and positive difference-makers, what if we began to approach each day as an opportunity to invest into our future selves? What if we began to let go of and surrender the need to be perfectly composed and instead permitted ourselves to produce more with our own intuition?

When we make daily deposits, we focus on the task at hand instead of drifting too far into the past or future. These deposits ultimately get to the root of our values and why we do what we actually do.

This process allows us to stack the days brick by brick while going to bed with a level of self-compassion, knowing full well that we did everything on a given day to evolve and improve.

As we lead ourselves and manage our reactions, what deposits are we making in our lives today that will yield a greater and more meaningful return on investment tomorrow? 

Is it getting back to working out, taking time for solitude and stillness, starting that business plan, reading that chapter, sending that email or making that call?

No matter our individual and collective deposits, we have the chance to break these tasks down into the smallest starting points so that we can build the habits of consistency and intentionality.

Life will continue to humble us, check us and provide us with the necessary lessons to grow and heal. And if these past few years have taught us anything, it is just how resilient the human spirit is and how limitless our imaginations can be. We do not need to quarantine our dreams to self-doubt and fear any longer. All we have to do today is get started, exactly where we are with our resources and current knowledge.

But instead of trying to make these drastic personal changes in a day, week, month or even year, let’s give ourselves grace, patience and show up consistently with a beginner’s mindset.

May the transformational power of daily deposits become the lifestyle shift that our future self thanks us for.