Is Ego Driving Your Dream?

Dismissing a dream or shifting a focus doesn’t mean we’re quitters.

What’s your dream?

And how long have you been pursuing it?

We all have visions and goals that we create for ourselves that we make our mission to achieve. Sometimes it’s a physical item, sometimes it’s a person, sometimes it’s a job.

We can invest years of our lives trying to attain this — working countless hours, passing up other opportunities, convincing ourselves that it will all be worth it in the end.

Our egos can get in the way of logic and practicality.

We as leaders need to realize that sometimes the best way to preserve our dream is to simply kill it.

We can do this several different ways. Sometimes, it’s recognizing that the opportunity cost of this pursuit is too expensive and we’re better investing our energy elsewhere. Sometimes, it’s discovering a more fulfilling mission and burying the old one. And sometimes, it’s actually achieving the dream and realizing that what we’ve built up in our heads all these years is far greater than the reality of the situation.

By tossing aside our micro dreams, we can our larger mission.

We need to spend some time conducting internal audits of our dreams. We need to know the who, what, when, where and, most importantly, the why of our visions.

It is pivotal that we are able to answer this question: Is ego driving this pursuit?

Dismissing a dream or shifting a focus doesn’t mean we’re quitters. It might mean we’re just practical and that we now have wisdom we may not have had before.

A dogged determination is a good thing, not a bad. But let's not be so stubborn in our pursuits that we cross the line to becoming irrational.

The first step in manifesting a new, better dream might be killing an old one.

P.S. If you are in search of a book recommendation, our team at The Daily Coach highly recommends Reader, Come Home: The Reading Brain in a Digital World by Maryanne Wolf. A deeply informative book that considers the future of the reading brain and our capacity for critical thinking, empathy, and reflection as we become increasingly dependent on digital technologies.

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