Finding Calm in the Midst Of It All

Leaders and positive difference-makers find a way even when the valley is low, the wind is strong, and the tide is turbulent.  

“Breathe deeply, until sweet air extinguishes the burn of fear in your lungs and every breath is a beautiful refusal to become anything less than infinite.”

— D. Antoinette Foy

Our days have become a battle between darkness and the search for illumination. In life, when we walk into tunnels of darkness, we’re provided with an invaluable opportunity to grow and transform before we ultimately re-emerge into the light.

We cannot overcome and heal what we do not acknowledge. We are living through some difficult times. But for centuries, life has been uncertain, and our future has been unknown. Being confronted with this pandemic is out of our control. How we choose to respond is not.

True mental toughness is the ability to see the bright side of a hopeless situation. Each day, how we choose to live, lead, and engage this obstacle is within our control. And how we decide to nurture our personal growth and holistic development during this defining moment is as well.

We will persevere with unity, grace, and selflessness. In time, we will return back to some sense of normalcy. But until then, how will you show up for yourself, your loved ones, and those you influence? Leaders and positive difference-makers find a way even when the valley is low, the wind is strong, and the tide is turbulent.

Sometimes experiencing doubt, discomfort, and even fear are nature’s reminders to us that there is something essential to learn, to experience, and to embrace. On our self-discovery journey, we must learn to enjoy our own company while cultivating moments for deep thinking, deep work, and stillness. We must connect the dots and seek the truth while being at peace with the silence. Wherever you are, be there fully.

With each passing minute, as we implement social distancing and remain at home, we will have an opportunity to go beyond our limitations in faith. As we continue to navigate the days ahead, may we be reminded that the beautiful part about our marathon journey is not to descend down the mountaintop out of fear but to continue onward and upward, trusting the terrains and timing of our lives. Realize wisely and earnestly that adversity is an experience, not a final act, and this setback is preparing and humbling us for a remarkable comeback. We will prevail. This too will pass!

P.S. If you are in search of a book recommendation, our team at The Daily Coach highly recommends The Voice of Knowledge: A Practical Guide to Inner Peace by Don Miguel Ruiz. This breakthrough book shows us how to recover our faith in the truth and return to our own common sense. Ruiz changes the way we perceive ourselves, and the way we perceive other people. Then he opens the door to a reality that we once perceived when we were one and two years old — a reality of truth, love, and joy.

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