Are You Future-Proofing Your Destiny?

Those who are future-proofing their destinies are constantly reassessing their behavior and how they think to ultimately put themselves in positions to succeed.

The future is never merely a fixed destination but a reservoir of unique possibility. It is human nature to become timid in thinking about its unknowns. But the future will always depend on how we choose to meet the defining and sacred moments of the present.

Each day, we can grow 1 percent in some facet of our lives or we can decay. Our behavior over days, weeks and months compounds either positively or negatively, making future-proofing increasingly vital in this age of digitalization, automation and acceleration.

Future-proofing is the intentional and consistent action of equipping ourselves and those we lead with the necessary skills, talents, mindsets and synthesized information to perform at our highest potential and reach our true callings.

When we actively show up to lead and design our lives for the future, we resist complacency. We then avoid becoming obsolete in our thinking, values and culture. Those who are future-proofing their destinies are constantly reassessing their behavior and how they think to ultimately put themselves in positions to succeed. They can then pivot and adjust as challenges arise and solutions become apparent.

Prioritizing skill acquisition while being persistent in our continuous learning must become a habit. We can ill afford to not be prepared for tomorrow. We must be willing to learn and adapt when needed to keep pace with the rapidly changing ecosystem of opportunity.

While the future may be unpredictable, it doesn't mean we can't shape it today. So how do we start to future-proof ourselves?

We first cultivate time to reflect on our destiny through a lens of abundance, not scarcity, while shifting our self-talk from fear to faith. We give ourselves the grace that it is okay not to always have the answers.

We also spend time with questions that challenge us to explore the true depths of who we are — questions such as, Who am I today? Who is the future me growing into tomorrow? What steps do I need to take to ensure my skills don’t become obsolete and irrelevant?

While these might make us uncomfortable, they also present an opportunity for transformation and growth.

Each of us is on a quest to figure out what we don't know but need to know to engage and excel. Understand if you are not planning your future, you will become part of someone else's vision of it. No matter the uncertainty of tomorrow, we are in more control than we think of finding a way forward in discovery or rediscovery.

While we never know how life will unfold, it is within our control to live presently without fear while designing the future we envision. So do not wait to be validated; own your future today while freeing your heart from doubt and your mind from worry.

When we live simply, give more and let go of expectations, we begin to deeply realize that inside, every moment becomes a hidden and cherished gem that builds an even better tomorrow.