The Gift of Ourselves

It’s not about what we receive when we open our presents. But what we give to others each new day we have the gift at life.

“There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind— you are the one who hears it.” — Michael A. Singer

Much last-minute shopping and preparation have taken place this week with the celebration of Hanukkah and Christmas. Many of us will exchange gifts, give thanks to those around us while sending cards to those who are afar. For some, the holidays are the season of faith, hope, gratitude, giving, and, most of all, sharing these special days with the ones we love. It’s not about what we receive when we open our presents. But what we give to others each new day we have the gift at life.

In Michael A. Singer’s brilliant book, The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself, he provides us with three learning gifts that we can apply every day. Incorporating these three timeless lessons into our daily life will become more valuable than any gift we receive during this holiday season. Singer presents us with real, lifelong wisdom about freeing ourselves from limitations and soaring beyond our boundaries. His simple yet profound answers to complex life questions will undoubtedly impact your life and the life of others.

  1. Your thoughts don’t define you. They are just outputs of what your consciousness perceives. How you talk to yourself matters. Changing your inner voice will help you become more positive, more reflective, and more productive. You Can is still a powerful message!

  2. Emotional energy, though intangible, is very much real. The more you can let it flow, the better. We can do way more than we think if we train our brains. We can always do more. We can always become alive with wonder if we don’t restrict ourselves.

  3. Death is what gives life meaning, so reflect on it often. This is not about being morbid, but when you see the end coming close, ask yourself, what more can I do? What fences can I mend? What smiles can I give others? Live life as each day matters.

We here at The Daily Coach hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday season. We thank you for reading and engaging with our work and feel blessed to be apart of this growing family of life-long learners and leaders.

The greatest gift we all can give is the gift of our most whole and authentic selves to those we lead, we teach, we nurture, we coach, and we empower. Enjoy the day!

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