What Are You Grateful For Today?

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is yet to come. Today is the gift and our most precious present.

In life, it’s easy to lose perspective on the power of gratitude — as there are many pit stops on our journey.

But we can still cultivate moments to practice it, even if we feel we’re being tested. Celebrating these detours in high and low moments becomes the foundation for the practice of gratitude.

What if we looked at so-called obstacles and adversity as unique opportunities to grow, to discover and to seek the truth? Each setback on our self-discovery journey equips us for a comeback — as long as we don’t let ego keep us stuck, as long as we realize there will be a new path of possibilities in the comeback.

So what are you grateful for today?

Is it your family, friends, pet, partner, health, work, colleagues? The rays from the sun, the breeze from the fresh air, that breath of life you just took, the silence, the person who smiled and greeted you kindly? Being grateful is a state of mind and a daily commitment. Small or large gratitude affirmations that are acted upon can be transformative and allow other areas of our lives to flourish and move forward one step at a time.

Let’s take a deep breath while being kinder to ourselves, being kinder to others and being kinder to where we are today. Criticizing ourselves or blaming others for what has or has not happened takes away from giving thanks to the lessons, growth and discoveries along the way.

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is yet to come. Today is the gift and our most precious present. Without life and its challenges, the dreams and aspirations that fuel our existence cannot manifest.

Wherever we might be, let's return to the here and now. Today, we have a novel chance to be positive difference-makers while loving, serving, letting go, empowering, inspiring, telling our story and practicing the art of gratitude everywhere we step foot.

P.S. If you are in search of a book recommendation, our team at The Daily Coach highly recommends Lifescale: How to Live a More Creative, Productive, and Happy Life by Brian Solis. This book is a journey of self-discovery and growth. Lifescaling is about getting back into balance, and mastering our destinies. Lifescale was written to help you break free from distractions, sharpen your focus, spark creativity and unlock new possibilities as a result.

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