7 Signs of a Great Leader

Great leaders don’t merely lead; they elevate the standard of excellence around them, empowering those they serve.

In the arena of leadership, the most transformational are not just those who gather followings but the ones who nurture and cultivate more leaders.

These exceptional individuals foster environments where team members can thrive, innovate, be authentic and ultimately, step into leadership roles themselves.

Here are seven signs, shared recently by the CEO Coach Eric Partaker on X, that demonstrate traits of great leadership or what it’s like to work for a great leader:

1. They Give You Credit 

Great leaders acknowledge your hard work. They celebrate and spotlight your achievements and ensure everybody in the team knows the part you played. Your success is their success.

2. They Value Your Input

Great leaders appreciate your ideas. They make it safe for you to voice your thoughts and every suggestion is welcomed. You end up in a culture where everybody is encouraged to speak up.

3. They Support Your Growth

Great leaders throw their weight behind you. They are there for you when you need them. You get plenty of opportunities to learn, develop, and grow. And you are encouraged to constantly aim for new heights and become your best.

4. They Care About Your Well-being

Great leaders make it a habit to check in on you. They ask how you’re doing, beyond work. They are there to support, not supervise. They go out of their way to make sure you’re doing well and provide you with what you need when you’re facing challenges or going through hard times.

5. They Value Your Time

They respect your boundaries and don’t intrude into your private space and time. Your off-hours are your off-hours, and work-life balance isn’t just a buzzword. They even actively encourage you to disconnect and take time off work.

6. They Set the Example

Great leaders walk the walk. Their actions speak louder than their words, and they lead by example. They set the bar high and inspire you to meet their standards without resorting to micromanagement.

7. They Are Compassionate

Great leaders consider the effects of their decisions on you and your team. They make tough calls with a kind heart and explain their decisions with transparency. They also make it a point to step in and offer a helping hand to navigate through changes.

Great leaders are rare to find, but when we do encounter them, they leave a lasting and meaningful mark that stretches far beyond the work.

Great leaders don’t just lead; they elevate the standard of excellence around them and empower those they serve — designing a team and a culture that can grow long after they’re gone.

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