Great Work Has No Time Limits

If you carry the disappointment longer than a day, you allow those who judge your talents and qualifications to take hold of your life.

For every success story we hear, there are countless people dealing with disappointment, jealousy and the wonderment of when will it be my turn?   

Disappointment is a natural emotion — for the moment. You can vent to someone and express your unhappiness about how unfair the situation is, but don’t let those feelings linger for more than a day. The setback should not imply or suggest your career is disappointing. In fact, it’s actually the opposite as you can grow from the experience.  Once you let the heartbreak go, remove the jealousy, the bitterness and work on improving, you will no longer be disappointed. If you carry the frustrations longer than a day, you allow those who judge your talents and qualifications to take hold of your life. Only you can judge yourself; only you know that your talent has no limits as long as you continue to have a growth mindset, like Harry Bernstein. 

In 1934, Bernstein published a story when he was just 23. Bernstein wrote mostly non-fiction his whole life, with limited success. When his wife died after 67 years of marriage, Bernstein returned to fiction and ultimately published his first book, “The Invisible Wall.” In an interview with The New York Times, he said, "If I had not lived until I was 90, I would not have been able to write this book. It just could not have been done even when I was 10 years younger. I wasn't ready. God knows what other potentials lurk in other people if we could only keep them alive well into their 90s."

You have talent, skill and all the tools needed. Don’t fall victim to jealousy, bitterness or disappointment. Follow Harry Bernstein’s lead. Keep working and believe that it will happen when the time is right. The work matters, not the press conference.

And great work has no time limits.

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