The Greatest Gift We Can Give Ourselves

While our past has shaped us, it does not define us.

Some of the most valuable gifts we can give ourselves as leaders and positive difference makers are time, solitude and stillness.

Our leadership improves as we improve. How we meet moments and changing leadership landscapes comes down to transforming ourselves and pivoting to change. There are no shortcuts to inner work on our journeys of self-exploration. Growth and healing are a marathon and intentional process with highs and lows; yet, the discoveries are beyond worthwhile if we venture on the unconventional path of living with less fear and self-doubt.

If we fail to recognize how far we have come while having a vision for where we would like to go, how do we know when we’ve reached an actual milestone? While our past has shaped us, it does not define us.

When we move toward trusting the divine timing of our lives while focusing our thoughts and energy on what is in our control, we release the impulse to need to have it all figured out. We provide ourselves with the ability to look at life with a beginner's mindset filled with childlike curiosity. We may not control everything life presents us, but we can refuse to be reduced and defeated by it.

The conversation will always come back to our dialogue with ourselves and inner chatter. No matter the obstacles, naysayers, darkness, mistakes or challenges along the way, let's not give up on ourselves, our dreams and the chance to impact others. Amidst any storm lies a tide of calmness, clarity and connection.

Taking the time to nurture our unique spirit means taking time to rest, reflect and reset so we can rise, blossom and meet the moments of this life. We do not always need to be doing something to quantify our productivity and work ethic.

Each day, let's find a way to move forward in growth and discovery while getting better, not bitter. Choosing to concentrate on patience, persistence and progression over perfection becomes the assignment and the crucial task at hand.

Today is a new day that we have not seen. Gratefully and gracefully, let's celebrate this moment of life and leadership with greater acceptance for what is — and more profound empathy for what someone else might be going through.

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