Honoring Our Motherly Figures

As we find comfort, faith and promise in rebuilding and navigating from one season of growth to another, we recognize the spirit and legacy of the motherly figures who have touched and transformed us.

Renowned poet Dr. Maya Angelou once said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Dr. Angelou’s words speak volumes. They gracefully speak to our burning desire to feel seen, valued, appreciated, heard and loved. As we approach Mother’s Day in the United States this weekend, we reflect on the word legacy while honoring and celebrating the motherly figures and positive difference makers in our lives and throughout history. 

We acknowledge that Mother’s Day can trigger an array of emotions. As we heal and recover together from an unprecedented year, having endured grief and societal unrest, our emotions can remain remarkably raw and outright painful. 

As we find comfort, faith and promise in rebuilding and navigating from one season of growth to another, we recognize the spirit and legacy of the motherly figures who have touched and transformed our lives.

Legacy is not leaving something for people. Legacy is about leaving something in them. As we think about the motherly figures in our lives, from grandparents to wives, partners, aunts, sisters, stepmoms, coaches, teachers, mentors, colleagues and friends, we can recognize that each of us stands on the shoulders of someone’s guidance, support, love, courage and sacrifice. None of us has gotten to where we are today by ourselves. These individuals have shaped our culture, broken barriers, and paved the way for us while connecting the past to the present and future.

So, to the motherly figures in our lives, we thank you.

Thank You for your unconditional love and for believing in me when I didn’t always believe in myself. 

Thank You for your teachings and timeless wisdom that prepared me for the realities of life but empowered me to never accept the status quo as inevitable. 

Thank You for your guidance and light amidst the darkness, clarity when there is chaos and calmness amongst the turbulence. 

Thank You for your coaching, mentorship and for giving me the access and opportunity to inspire the next game-changer and trailblazer leader.

Thank You for your time, energy, selfless acts of love, support, and generosity while always making me feel like somebody and important. 

While words will never fully capture the sincere gratitude we hold for the motherly figures in our lives, we can continue to honor and celebrate their lives and legacies by how we live, love, parent, serve and lead.