7 Questions to Nurture Personal Growth

Leaders need to find their own North Star to steer their teams toward excellence.

Leadership is not merely about guiding others; it starts with self-awareness and self-instruction. To become a dynamic leader, one must embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Similar to a lighthouse that guides ships in the darkness, leaders need to find their own North Star to steer their teams toward excellence.

Author and performance expert Alan Stein, Jr. recently shared seven fundamental questions that every leader must answer to develop his/her skills and nurture personal growth:

1. Who am I?

Understanding oneself is the cornerstone of effective leadership. It involves introspection to identify core values, beliefs and principles that govern our decisions and actions. Embracing our uniqueness helps build self-confidence and fosters authenticity, leading to the creation of genuine connections and inspiring those around us.

2. What do I believe?

A leader's beliefs shape his/her vision and mission. Reflect on your values and principles, as they serve as the guiding compass for your leadership journey. Clearly defined beliefs lay the foundation for making ethical and purposeful decisions that resonate with both you and your team.

3. What are my non-negotiables?

Identifying non-negotiables establishes boundaries that keep leaders anchored amidst challenges. These could be principles that safeguard personal integrity or values that you, as a leader, refuse to compromise. Non-negotiables provide stability and consistency in decision-making, earning trust and respect from your team and stakeholders.

4. What is my North Star?

Every leader needs a North Star – a clear vision of the future they strive to create. Having a well-defined North Star not only ignites your passion but also motivates and unites your team, propelling them to achieve greatness together.

5. What are my biggest strengths?

Understanding your strengths allows you to leverage them fully and lead with greater conviction. Identify the skills and qualities that set you apart as a leader. Leaders who focus on their strengths cultivate an environment where team members can also thrive in their areas of expertise.

6. What are my opportunities for growth?

Acknowledging areas for improvement is essential for continuous personal growth. Leaders must be open to feedback and self-reflection. Having genuine curiosity and embracing lifelong learning show humility and a commitment to becoming a better leader for yourself and your team.

7. What matters most? What doesn't?

Effective leaders prioritize wisely and direct their energy towards what truly matters. Reflect on your goals and values to determine where to invest your time and resources. Leaders who are clear about their priorities lead with purpose, empowering their team to align with shared goals and achieve extraordinary results.

In the ever-changing landscape of leadership, the most transformative among us will be those who continue to delve into their inner selves, lead with authenticity, and inspire through their unwavering dedication to self-improvement.

As we reflect on these questions, we not only unlock our true potential — but also ignite passion and motivation in those we lead.