A Letter to Entrepreneurs on COVID-19

The time is now to look within while dismantling the mental and environmental fences we have constructed.

Dear Entrepreneurs,

This letter is to the trailblazers, the disruptors, the crazy ones, the lightworkers, the storytellers, the peacemakers, the misfits, the visionaries, the healers, and the rebels.

This is a letter to the innovators, the educators, the ones who have ventured down the road less traveled, the ones who push the envelope, the culture changers, the ones who challenge the status quo, and the ones who live uncommon.

The message is simple: The Time Is NOW.

The time is now to step outside our comfort zone and venture into the unknown. The time is now to live more strategically and courageously while engaging in work that is filled with impact and meaning.

The time is now to challenge our processes, habits, and operations. We must deconstruct and let go of any systems that are no longer serving our personal growth and empowering our teams to new levels of innovation.

The time is now stop being afraid of failure. Entrepreneurship requires falling down. Failing propels discovery while summoning our inner warrior toward excellence and mastery. Life is a marathon. Each day we have a unique opportunity to get better while investing in the future. Carpe Diem!

The time is now to challenge ourselves to see, hear, and go where others won’t go. The time is now to review our decision making and thought processes. We have been taught what to think — but not how to think. It’s time we learn that as well.

The time is now to look within while dismantling the mental and environmental fences we have constructed. We must examine and identify those aspects of our lives that stand just on the other side of fear and discomfort. We must not allow society’s rigid and close-minded way of living to halt our imagination.

The time is now in a world of automation and artificial intelligence to practice deep thinking and deep learning. The more we exercise and defy our mind, the better we position ourselves to go beneath the surface when problem solving.

The time is now to assemble workplaces based on the diversity of thoughts and backgrounds. We are the architects in leading the movement in revitalizing our environments to celebrate inclusion. The time is now to empower team building, mental wellness, and holistic development that are needed to thrive together in our rapidly changing landscape.

The time is now to rise above impulses to short cut the process. We must learn to fall in love with the journey, the repetition, the discoveries, and the obstacles along the way.

The time is now to learn, unlearn, and relearn while practicing active listening. True wisdom is knowing what you don’t know but need to know. The time is now to inspire the next generation of leaders to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more. We empower tomorrow’s positive difference-makers with what we do today.

The time is now to humble ourselves and to realize our ego is always lingering in the shadows, waiting to destruct and unravel everything we have ever worked for and built.

As our society, communities, and institutions continue to navigate a world of high tech, low-touch interactions, the time is now to develop daring leaders who can cultivate high-performance cultures based on purpose, empathy, vulnerability, morals, courage, ethics and authenticity.

We must seek each day to deliver concepts, knowledge, and information that emotionally resonate, illuminate, and help chart the way into the future. The future depends on how we choose to meet it.

So this letter is for YOU. No matter our job function, title, or discipline, we have the power to use entrepreneurship to meet these challenging times with forward-thinking, truth-telling, creativity, integrity, passion, empathy, humility, and our child-like spirit. Dare to think differently. And dare to be different — while giving your ideas permission to be wrong.

When you think it cannot be done, Just Do It.

The Time Is Now!

P.S. If you are in search of a book recommendation, our team at The Daily Coach highly recommends Imagine It Forward: Courage, Creativity, and the Power of Change by Beth Comstock. This book is an inspiring, fresh, candid, and deeply personal book about how to grapple with the challenges to change we face every day. It is a different kind of narrative, that combines Comstock’s personal story in leading change with vital lessons on overcoming the inevitable roadblocks. One of the most successful women in business, Comstock shares her own transformation story from introverted publicist to GE’s first woman Vice Chair, and her hard-won lessons in shifting GE, a 125 year old American institution, toward a new digital future and a more innovative culture.

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