Life Design: Are You Living Or Existing?

If you could live your life again, what would you do differently?

“The day you die you will still have 30 or 40 e-mails in your inbox that will not be answered. You’ll never get it all done so you might as well relax, take a deep breath, and enjoy the ride.” — Jon Gordon

If we are not mindful of new creative ways to experience life, it is easy to become fixated on our daily habits and journey on autopilot. In this state of unconsciousness, we can forget to relax, breathe, and appreciate the beauty of opportunities that are available to us with every passing moment.

Jon Gordon, an international bestselling author, and keynote speaker discusses a research study performed on a group of ninety-five and older individuals in his classic book The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy.

This research on longevity and regret asked these participants one profound question:

The three recurring themes that were expressed by these modern elders were reflecting more, risking more, and leaving a legacy. Think about that for a second. Each day if we reflected more. Did one thing that was outside of our comfort zone ― while working towards having a positive difference in one life, with time, our personal growth, and civic impact would multiply, leading to many more rewarding and reinvigorating days.

Reflect More

Are your thoughts stemming from a place of love and abundance or lack and fear?

Each day we have a chance to grow, learn, and prosper. To challenge our assumptions and to explore the extraordinary depths of who we are. The power of our thoughts has a transformative effect on who we become, and the aspirations we manifest into our living. It is when we break free from boundaries imposed on the mind, that we cultivate deeper mental space to activate becoming the best and most authentic version of ourselves.

Risk More

If the notion of failure was not an option, what would you pursue?

Life is too short, not to go for it. The only thing that will ever be guaranteed is this present moment. Let go of the past. Surrender to what is while intently focusing on what is in your control with precision, tenacity, and consistency. Each of us must start with the resources we have, the lessons we have acquired, and overcome the power of postponement by unleashing our talents and sharing our unique story.

Leave a Legacy

How do we want to be remembered?

Every day presents a precious gift to unlock our greatest potential and calling while being a positive difference-maker in the life of another person. Envision a world where we all practiced the Golden Rule of treating others the way we wanted to be treated. Understand you do not need to create the next Apple, Disney, Instagram, Nike, Google, or Amazon to leave a meaningful legacy. Legacy is about your daily living and how people feel after leaving your presence. In our quietest moments, we all want to be accepted, appreciated, valued, seen, loved, and heard.

As 2019 comes to a close and we welcome in 2020 let’s make peace with what is, let go of what is not — forgiving ourselves and others to design holistic space, to reflect more, risk more and to work towards leaving a legacy that carves names on hearts, not tombstones.

P.S. If you are in search of a book recommendation, our team at The Daily Coach highly recommends Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time by Keith Ferrazzi. This book lays out the specific steps—and inner mindset of human connection to reveal what distinguishes highly successful people from everyone else brilliantly is the way they use the power of relationships—so that everyone wins.

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