'Life is Growth. You Grow, or You Die.'

Today is a good day to have a good day.

Many of our decisions are based on either growth or fear. Often, the barriers we confront in life are self-imposed. Our thoughts are so powerful that they can paralyze or energize us at any given moment. The voices inside our minds ultimately shape how we act and what we see, think and feel. When we manage our mindset and our inner critic, we liberate ourselves with the power of grace to immerse ourselves in the present.

If you did an energy audit of your life from the last month, where was most of it going? Was it into material acquisitions and things that won’t truly matter or was your time going into taking care of your mind, well-being and the other activities that will ultimately become your legacy?

We have more power than we think to control our thoughts and where we invest our time and energy. We must not believe everything we think. When we alter our thoughts and take ownership of our mental narrative, we don’t just change. We transform and evolve.

What stands in the way becomes the way.

As we focus on championing change in our lives and those of others, it is vital that we never stop holistically improving. As Nike Founder Phil Knight once said, “Life is growth. You grow, or you die.”

The transcendent leaders leave their path in good condition so others can follow and eventually take the baton. These positive difference makers push beyond their comfort levels into their growth zone while empowering those they lead to do more than they ever thought was possible. There is immense beauty and power in the potential of the human spirit. Each of us has the ability to nurture that potential in ourselves, while shaping it in the lives of others.

Realize today is a good day to have a good day. When in search of answers, signs and breakthroughs, we must first look inward. Right now, we have the unique opportunity to venture outside the boxes of our comfort. May we use our time and energy wisely to discover or rediscover the person who is beneath the surface. Do not aim to be common and average. Strive to be uncommon and phenomenally you.

It is and always will be more than enough!