Mike Tomlin 5 Elite Leadership Qualities

Mike Tomlin has never had a losing season as Pittsburgh Steelers head coach. He possesses five critical leadership qualities.

When Pittsburgh Steelers Coach Mike Tomlin was a young boy, he and his older brother would watch television. They loved watching and admittedly watched too much.

However, they didn’t completely waste their time watching mindless shows.

When the commercials came on, they both dropped to the floor of their bedrooms and started to do push-ups and sit-ups until they ended. When their arms got tired, they switched to sit-ups; when their stomachs got tight, they went back to push-ups.

This routine became part of their life. And being a routine person became who Tomlin is as a leader.

Tomlin went on to have a successful career in high school, then in college at William and Mary, before entering the coaching ranks in 1996.

In 2007, at 35, he became the head coach of the Steelers, and as he enters his 17th season, he has never had a losing season. Tomlin led the Steelers to a Super Bowl win in his second season as head coach, and now, as he turns 51 years old, his team appears to be ready for another championship run.

What makes Tomlin so successful as a leader? Why has he been able to rise above the competition and be consistently effective? Here are some of the reasons:


Tomlin never holds back or pulls punches. He embraces honesty and direct communication. Former player Joe Haden said: The thing about Coach T is that he’s very, very black-and-white. He’s very, very straightforward. “He lets you know exactly where you stand. And he lets you know where you stand in front of your peers if you’re not holding down what you’re supposed to be holding down. If I’m doing it, I’m gold. If I’m not, I either got to pick my stuff up, or Coach T will tell me he’s going shopping.”


Charismatic speakers help listeners understand, relate to, and remember a message. A powerful way to do this is using metaphors, similes, and analogies.” Tomlin excels at using metaphors to convey his message to his players. Tomlin even has his own language, “Tomlinisms,” that paints vivid images that are easier to understand than literal words.


Tomlin is always challenging his team, and he inspires using his talents as a communicator. He once told a group of young athletes: “It’s not what you’re capable of; it’s what you’re willing to do,” says Tomlin. “I know plenty of people that are capable. I know fewer people that are willing. Will is a powerful thing. Ask yourself, ‘What are you willing to do?’”


“People aren't very good listeners, by nature,” says Tomlin. “Part of being a good communicator is recognizing and understanding that and trying to make the complex simple. I try to capture a concept, an idea, or a moment in a few words. If they remember it, job done.”


Defensive lineman Cam Heyward credited Tomlin’s consistency for calming the team during the 2021 season. “We’re basically canoeing out there,” says Heyward. “We’re out there, just staying level. He doesn’t get out of character. He doesn’t have to do anything different. He preaches the same goals.

Leaders come in all shapes and sizes, and no one can be Mike Tomlin other than Tomlin. But we can understand why he is successful, which will help us become better leaders.

As Tomlin says: “More grounded, more humble, more selfless makes us more opportunistic.”