The Needs of the Team

These principles are the living and breathing desires that leaders cannot ignore to feed, fuel, inspire and ignite excellence, high performance, and sustainable growth.

“Traditional business strategy too often does not bother to create a story or narrative about its actions for its employees and the world to gather around. For the strategy to become reality, people need to see themselves in the story and then take action to make the story happen.” — Beth Comstock, Business Executive

Much of today's professional advice seems to focus solely on what the leader must accomplish daily. There are a plethora of books and blogs, giving information and counsel to prospective leaders. There are even more quotes on how to be a leader. And what tools a leader must have in his or her tool kit to improve their craft? But what about the people the leader is leading? What do they need? Often, we overlook the specific needs of the individual, group, or team. Instead, we place the recommendations for holistic improvement and development solely on the leader. This seems strange because how can we adequately lead without a comprehensive understanding of the needs of the people we are leading. A one size fits all kind of leadership style does not work.  

So what do most people want from the men and women who are leading them? What do most people expect— and what are the vital needs of each individual or group? These are all fair questions to examine and issues that require reflection, critical thinking, and answers before assuming any leadership role. One of the first steps towards success is to sacrifice. The power of the human spirit is divinely robust. Members of an organization and team will make sacrifices for the betterment of the group when they feel empowered, valued, and seen.

The essentials of life consist of oxygen, water, and food. While we each have universal as well as specific needs in our life without any of those three, we will not survive. The following eight specific and foundational areas are growth opportunities for leaders to recognize before standing in front of their team and those they lead. These principles are the living and breathing desires that leaders cannot ignore to feed, fuel, inspire and ignite excellence, high performance, and sustainable growth.  

  1. SPEAK THE TRUTH. Don't lie, don't tell white lies, or half-truths. Have the courage to say to people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. Show moral courage to face confrontation with humble honesty.  

  2. HAVE A PLAN. Provide a solid idea of action that is easily explainable and easy to understand. Never assume that going over the program once, that everyone is on board. Use innovation and creativity to reinforce the plan each day. Remember, plans are not mission statements.  

  3. PUSH THEM. Demand more, want more and ask for more. Never settle. Lead with excellence. Never become satisfied with being mediocre. The enemy of growth is to allow complacency to set in. 

  4. SLOW THEM DOWN. Make everyone explain out loud the goals. When people hear themselves talk, they think more explicit; they slow down and won't rush. Slowing down also creates an inclusive environment of collaboration.

  5. INSPIRE AND BE AN INSPIRATION. Find ways to inspire one person. Then discover ways to inspire all. Never assume one inspiration applies to all.  

  6. GIVE FAITH DAILY. Demonstrate faith in the plan, the people, and, most of all, the path which is chosen.  

  7. STAY AWAY FROM THE LIGHT. Stand behind when success occurs. Never take credit for the overall success of the team and organization. Allow the team to shine brightest in those moments.

  8. BLOCK THE PAIN. Stand in front when something terrible happens, and the team experiences obstacles. Be the shield that always protects the team from harm.  

Each day, leaders should examine these eight needs of the group carefully; giving each one their time, energy, and, most of all, their mindful effort to implement with visionary courage and grace!

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