Never Stop Evolving

We have more control than we think in manifesting the change we want to see in our lives.

Much of our behavior and decision making is predicated on our worldview. We tend to prefer information that confirms our existing beliefs. We like to think adding new processes, policies, procedures and habits will transform our lives and organizational cultures without retiring old mindsets that no longer serve us.

Every day, we are competing to take back our minds and to challenge our beliefs. As a society, we spend so much time taking care of our physical body and not enough time nurturing our mental wellness and resiliency.

Change starts with our minds. True freedom is living outside of the status quo. Understand that anything that deviates from the status quo is frightening but worthwhile. As we aspire for personal and collective growth, true liberation becomes letting go of other people's opinions and the stories of fear and self-doubt we tell ourselves. We are enough just as we are.

Each day, we should make sure that the future we are chasing is one that is in alignment with our truth. We have more control than we think in manifesting the change we want to see in our lives. It starts in our minds.

Sometimes, it's not about looking in the past or beyond ourselves to live a good life but looking within ourselves to design that life. Our task as positive difference makers and agents of change is not to be in a race to acquire more but to pursue appreciation to cultivate and build from what we already possess.

When we evolve as individuals and leaders, our knowledge is converted to wisdom. Uncovering our wisdom and leaning into our vulnerability and courage becomes the birthplace of future enlightenment. So, do not hide your best self from others. On our journey of self-discovery, we will be taken through front doors, back doors, side doors and no doors. No matter what lies ahead, we must stay hungry and humble. When we stop learning as leaders and taking care of our minds, we stop evolving as positive difference makers.