6 Worthwhile New Year's Resolutions

When a bump in the road occurs, we frequently fall back to our old habits, while forgetting our promise to change.

NASA engineer Charles Richards once offered some sage advice on productivity and how to live. 

"Don't be fooled by the calendar," he said. "There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. One person gets only a week's value out of a year, while another gets a full year's value out of a week."

At the end of each year, many of us reflect on our habits and wonder how we can improve personally and professionally. We want to make perfect use of our time and get more out of every day.

This self-reflection leads us to begin the new year with a resolve to change. But frequently, a bump in the road occurs, and we fall back into our old habits, while forgetting all the promises of change.  

So, what is the best way to actually create change?

Author and entrepreneur Jesse Itzler has an interesting approach to altering habits, borrowing on Richards' advice.

Itzler doesn't want to lose weight in 2023, or run marathons, or make other common resolutions. His only goal is to become "comfortable being uncomfortable."

It's straight forward and simple — and what helps him get there is removing the self-doubt we all share.

Itzler, a multi-millionaire and New York Times best-selling author, is incredibly accomplished. Yet, like so many of us, he battled self-doubt as his biggest enemy. Once he removed it, he learned to be comfortable being uncomfortable.  

Instead of making general resolutions, let's commit to these six steps:

  1. Practice self-compassion — learn to love your life.

  2. Reflect on your past achievements — and remind yourself of your success. 

  3. Try not to compare yourself to others. Remember, the competition is only YOU vs YOU.

  4. Spend your time with supportive people. Surround yourself with those who have mastered their self-doubt.  

  5. Remember, you are your biggest inner critic. Ignore your criticism and be skeptical of your inner thoughts.  

  6. Start journaling. Write down how you want to live each day and reflect. 

Before we can achieve, we must believe — in ourselves.