"Notes" of An Elder

Most people don't lead their lives ― they accept their lives.

Nothing in life is of any value unless it is shared with others.

"Notes" of An Elder is a depository of pertinent information, knowledge and wisdom. Available weekly will be an elder's "thinking menu" for your use. Enjoy this bounty.

  • Growth requires your thoughts to be continually upgraded.

  • Our relationships define us.

  • Something powerful happens when a person moves from believing in an idea to owning an idea.

  • Always be listening on purpose.

  • Communication is not so much what you say but rather how you say it.

  • Questions can be used as weapons.

  • People forget what they heard, but they remember almost everything they said.

  • As humans, we are being challenged to rethink, relearn, and redefine our role in this world.

  • Purpose is a leadership journey, not a destination.

5 Types of Power

  1. Coercive Power

  2. Reward Power

  3. Legitimate Power

  4. Expert Power

  5. Referent Power

  • Rather than judging the person, try to understand them.

  • Forget about being right all the time and focus on being less wrong.

  • Trust is essential to get the best information.

  • The best response to fear is to engage with it directly rather than avoid it.

  • Failure is inevitable. Learning is optional.

  • Most people don't lead their lives ― they accept their lives.

  • The highest compliment you can give someone is to ask them their opinion.

  • You are more than you think you are.

  • Questions help break down barriers, pinpoint solutions and explore new ways of doing things.

Magic Question

What makes you come alive?