"Notes" of An Elder 

It is becoming less about what you know and more about what you do with what you know.

Nothing in life is of any value unless it is shared with others.

"Notes" of An Elder is a depository of pertinent information, knowledge and wisdom. Available weekly will be an elder's "thinking menu" for your use. Enjoy this bounty.

  • Rule #1 to win in life, remain calm during your toughest situations.

  • There are many things we say "yes" to that we really should be saying "no" to.

  • The things that divide us should never be greater than the things that unite us.

  • Our daily struggle is the freedom to be who it is we want to be.

  • Each person voices his or her truth.

  • Every conversation is an opportunity to learn.

  • You represent the future. I represent the past.

  • It is becoming less about what you know and more about what you do with what you know.


  • To Be and To Do

  • To Risk and To See

  • To Grow and To Ask

  • To Think and To Live

  • To Learn and To Love

  • To Refuse and To Heal

  • On each hand, we have five fingers. They are all different but work together to get the job done.

  • Make friends, not money.

  • If you want more time, you need to start eliminating unnecessary things from your life.

  • Is this a problem or an opportunity?

  • Daily: teach our heart new ways to think, feel, beat, love, and learn the truth.

  • At 83, I am re-educating my heart.

  • Wisdom teaches us not to seek recognition alone but primarily seek respect, which is more lasting than recognition.

Magic Question

Do we have all the facts?

P.S. Searching for a book recommendation? Our team at The Daily Coach highly recommends The Last Thing You Surrender: A Novel of World War II by Leonard Pitts Jr. Could you find the courage to do what’s right in a world on fire? Set against a backdrop of violent racial conflict on both the front lines and the home front, The Last Thing You Surrender explores the powerful moral struggles of individuals from a divided nation. What does it take to change someone’s mind about race? What does it take for a country and a people to move forward, transformed?

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