"Notes" of An Elder

There is a big difference between temporary failure and total defeat. Temporary failure can lead to total success.

Nothing in life is of any value unless it is shared with others.

"Notes" of An Elder is a depository of pertinent information, knowledge and wisdom. Available weekly will be an elder's "thinking menu" for your use. Enjoy this bounty.

  • Dream big but take small steps.

  • I'm constantly amazed by the fact that we'll spend more on what we put on our heads than what we put in our heads.

  • There is a big difference between temporary failure and total defeat. Temporary failure can lead to total success.

  • Success isn't measured by the position one has in life but by the obstacles one has overcome to achieve it.

  • "Life is an unanswered question, but let's still believe in the dignity and importance of the question." ― Tennessee Williams

  • Failure is not a crime. Failure to learn from failure is.

  • We work so hard to keep our bodies in shape. Why not work that hard to improve our minds?

Keep You From Getting What You Want

  • Time

  • Money

  • Negativity

  • Uncertainty

  • Lack of Information

  • Live your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.

  • The winner is the person who sees an opportunity in every problem.

  • Discipline suffers from an image problem in our culture. We think of discipline as something that's imposed by someone else rather than as a form of self-love.

  • It all depends on what is more important to you: Where you live or how you live?

  • In the end, the questions will not be what did you have? But what did you do with what you had?

  • Everything worthwhile brings the risk of failure.

Magic Question

Why am I doing this?