"Notes" of An Elder

To imagine is to be born anew every day.

Nothing in life is of any value unless it is shared with others.

"Notes" of An Elder is a depository of pertinent information, knowledge and wisdom. Available weekly will be an elder's "thinking menu" for your use. Enjoy this bounty.

  • The most expensive advice is bad advice.

  • If you wish to change your mind, first change your behavior.

  • There will be times that I bite my tongue, zip my lips, and retreat in silence.

  • Courage: Walking through the door and not knowing what’s on the other side.

  • Serve the needs of others, and all your own needs will be fulfilled.

  • To imagine is to be born anew every day.

  • The less one thinks about their future, the less control they will have over it.

  • Don’t hope things change. Make things change.

Four Hounds of Hell

  1. Fear

  2. Greed

  3. Hatred

  4. Deception

  • Today, we find ourselves living in yesterday’s tomorrow.

  • In the act of creating, we pass from imagination to faith and knowledge.

  • “The world will not remember what you say, but it will certainly not forget what you have done.” — Jack Ma

  • Your ears are a better persuasion tool than your lips.

  • Give people what they deserve — your respect.

  • Find out what the person wants and deliver it.

  • Wealth without fulfillment is emptiness.

  • There’s no question about it that we are living in the most innovative and consequently the most disruptive decade in human history.

  • Bring love to hate, light to darkness, and pardon to inquiry.

Magic Question

Did you do anything today that will be memorable?

P.S. Searching for a book recommendation? Our team at The Daily Coach highly recommends Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual by Luvvie Ajayi Jones. With humor and honesty, and guided by the influence of her professional troublemaking Nigerian grandmother, Funmilayo Faloyin, Luvvie walks us through what we must get right within ourselves before we can do the things that scare us; how to use our voice for a greater good; and how to put movement to the voice we've been silencing--because truth-telling is a muscle.