The Power of Asking Ourselves Difficult Questions

In today’s world, where teams, organizations and businesses grapple with multifaceted, unpredictable, and rapidly-evolving challenges, courageous leadership is vital.

Poor leadership drains the global economy by a staggering $7 trillion, according to Gallup research.

Declining culture and morale triggers a drop in engagement, stifles innovation, and hinders productivity — ultimately disrupting and stalling overall performance.

In today’s world, where teams, organizations and businesses grapple with multifaceted, unpredictable, and rapidly-evolving challenges, courageous leadership is vital.

Teams and organizations today are tasked with closing this poor leadership gap by prioritizing developing a pipeline of aspiring and emerging leaders who are equipped to overcome obstacles, drive innovation and do what is right, not what is easy.

“It takes curiosity to learn. It takes courage to unlearn,” organizational psychologist and best-selling author Adam Grant says.

“Learning requires the humility to admit what you don’t know today. Unlearning requires the integrity to admit that you were wrong yesterday. Learning is how you evolve. Unlearning is how you keep up as the world evolves.”

Great leadership isn’t just about steering others — it always starts with leading ourselves. In the spirit of curiosity and courage, here are 14 questions for us to reflect on and keep in our leadership toolbox as high performers and positive difference-makers:

  1. How can I make life better for other people?

  2. What problems can I turn into opportunities?

  3. What is it that I don’t know, but need to know?

  4. What did I do today to make myself a better person than I was yesterday?

  5. How do I become a person of value?

  6. What value do I have that can be shared with others?

  7. What am I willing to sacrifice for the things I want in life?

  8. What do I need to change about myself to become a more productive person?

  9. What is the single most important thing I can do to improve the quality of my life?

  10. What is the single biggest time waster in my life, and what am I doing about it?

  11. What is the one thing that matters most to me?

  12. Do I feel energized with what I am doing with my career and life?

  13. Am I a thoughtful and careful listener?

  14. If I had to live my life once, what would I do different?

Checking in and asking ourselves these questions can serve as a catalyst for personal growth and leadership development.

Ultimately, it’s not just our skills or knowledge that define us as leaders — it’s our willingness to confront tough truths, to continually learn and unlearn, and to embrace the growth that comes from asking the right questions.

The answers may not always be easy to hear, but they become the foundation we can stand on and rise from, equipping and positioning ourselves to adapt, innovate — and make meaningful contributions in the lives of others.

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