12 Questions for Life

If we spent more time asking ourselves internal questions, solving our presented problems would not be as challenging. Today, take a 15-minute break and write down the answers to these questions.

We spend most of our days searching for answers to questions, as our fast-paced lives demand we solve problems and check boxes, then move on to the next big item.

We're all "doers," loving the essence of competition and the fulfillment of accomplishment. But we often ask the wrong questions in our endless battle to find the answers.

If we spent more time asking ourselves internal questions, solving our presented problems would not be as challenging. Today, take a 15-minute break and write down the answers to these 12 life questions:

  1. If I had $50M in the bank, how would my day-to-day change?

  2. Am I really happy or am I just really comfortable?

  3. Am I trying my best or am I just telling myself I am?

  4. What is the first thing I think of when I wake up most days?

  5. Is what I am doing making me a better person?

  6. Am I doing/not doing something out of fear?

  7. What do I love? Is that what/who I need to be in love with?

  8. Do I really need to answer that text or phone call right now?

  9. If I had to describe who I wanted to be in three words, what would those words be?

  10. What can I think of, read, watch, listen and talk about for hours on end and never tire?

  11. Where do I want to be in one year? Two years?

  12. Would my 15-year-old self think I am the coolest?

As young children, we all have dreams and ambitions. If these are not met, if we fall slightly short of being everything we hoped for, we consider our life a failure — which is completely wrong. The last question in particular can provide the best sense of balance in your life.

Suppose we had a time machine and went back and asked our 15-year-old self if we would be satisfied with our life. Our life, professional and personal, can really look remarkable when we examine our lives through our 15-year-old self lens. Only when we have layers of regrets do we think we haven't been great.

Before answering any questions or solving any problems this morning, take time and self-reflect by answering these.

Your day and future will be brighter.