Reduce Variables, Gain Production

What variables can you reduce? How can you streamline your work environment to ensure you are gaining maximum production? 

In baseball, there is an old belief when teams are struggling to win that they should secure the middle of the field with their best defenders. Becoming defensively strong at catcher, shortstop, second base, centerfield and naturally pitching may help a team break their slump. It’s a potent formula that values reducing the opponent’s ability to get hits with great defense that will ultimately lead to fewer runs allowed. In essence, teams want to reduce variables and gain production.

It’s a smart and prudent way to think and behave. Eliminate the variables on how a team can lose, then focus on a few remaining. It’s what Steve Jobs did when he returned to Apple the second time in 1996 when the company was making 60 different products. Jobs stood at a whiteboard and makes a four-square grid that says: home, office, laptop, desktop. He said, “We’re going to make four computers and cancel everything else.” The reduction of variables allowed for increased productivity.

What variables can you reduce? How can you streamline your work environment to ensure you are gaining maximum production? Now is the time for self-evaluation. Every month, there needs to be a self-audit besides the company audit to address all the variables that might be preventing production. Even if you and your company are producing at a high level, there are ways to reduce the variables and gain even more production.

Before you start a new month, ask yourself the following 7 questions and provide real honest answers:

  1. What did I (or the company) do well last month?

  2. What did I (or the company) do poorly?

  3. What one lesson did I/we learn?

  4. What mistakes did I/we make?

  5. What did I/we not expect or anticipate?

  6. What can I/we improve upon?

  7. What must I/we focus on this month?

These are questions each month that all leaders/teachers/coaches should reflect upon and answer. These answers will allow you to eliminate unnecessary variables and gain more production.

Remember, it’s through elimination that we discover our outer depths.

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