5 Keys to Embracing Discomfort

Two-percenters get more done because they instinctively choose hard over easy — in every aspect of their life.

Throughout its long history, Sardinia has seen various rulers. Because of its central position in the Mediterranean, this tiny island off the coast of Naples quickly became a target for various invaders and colonizers, each leaving its mark on the island's culture, language and architecture.

The complex history has contributed to Sardinia's distinct identity within Italy. Besides its cultural diversity, Sardinia holds the distinction of being a “Blue Zone Region,” where, according to author Dan Buettner, people are known to live significantly longer and healthier lives, often reaching the age of 100 or more.

Buettner attributes several factors to the island’s population living longer, fuller lives. Sardinians eat a lean plant-based diet, growing their own vegetables, fruits and grains.

They have strong family values, as every member of the family is cared for, young and old. They celebrate their elders and most importantly, they exercise, not with gym memberships to Planet Fitness, but with walks that will go for more than five miles each day. 

Another reason Buettner cites is they all use the stairs. Everyone, young and old, climbs steps and walks hills, improving their cardiovascular health. 

Here in America, only 2 percent of the population when given the choice of using the stairs or taking the elevator chooses the stairs. But being part of the 2 percent group has far more benefits than being part of the 98. 

Two-percenters get more done because they instinctively choose hard over easy — in every aspect of their life. Two percenters love obstacles, they embrace the challenge, and always take discomfort over comfort.

In Sardinia, they love being uncomfortable. They embrace the long walks; they love a good stair climb as much as they love their afternoon glass of red wine. They are extremely comfortable being uncomfortable. For Sardinians, life begins at the end of their comfort zone. 

How do we become comfortable being uncomfortable? 

1. Embrace the unknown. Don’t run from fear, run toward it. Sardinians have no choice but to use the steps, so they gladly walk the walk.

2. Know your Purpose. Sardinians have a great sense of purpose. From their long lineage from different cultures, they understand when things get tough, their sense of faith and love of family serves as their purpose to overcome any barriers. 

3. Growth Mindset. Because they are an island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, they aren’t in constant touch with the outside worlds. This allows them to focus on their self-improvement, avoiding the temptations of greed and envy.

4. Slow Down. Sardinians aren’t in any hurry; yet they always seem to get to their destination, as time isn’t an enemy. They embrace slow but work hard to be steady. They are the tortoise, and the rest of the world is the hare.

5. Resilience. By avoiding comfort, Sardinians work their resilience muscle every single day—fortify their resolve, which allows them to stay ahead of the competition. 

Being a two-percenter should be the goal for everyone.

Discomfort often has its benefits.

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