Sunday Thinking

Today, continue to nourish your dreams. Hold fast to your vision and do something everyday to bring it into manifestation.

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

“A key step that can help us begin to settle ourselves when we are profoundly unsettled is to come home, to ourselves, in this moment, whatever is happening. This is one way of speaking about mindfulness, or being present: coming home to ourselves. When we bring our mind back to our body we come home. We could consider this state as our true home. This home inside of us is a home no one can take away from us, and it cannot be damaged or destroyed. No matter what happens around us, if we can find this home inside of us, we are always safe.”

― Kaira Jewel Lingo, We Were Made for These Times

I. There Is No Substitute for Preparation

Every Sunday, do a quick review of the prior week:

  • What gave me energy?

  • What drained my energy?

  • What should I have said no to?

  • What could have been delegated?

It’s a simple, effective way to close out the prior week and set intentions for the week ahead.

Source: Sahil Bloom, Investor & Entrepreneur

II. Traits of Exceptional Leaders

To give our team the best version of ourselves, continuous self-improvement, lifelong learning, and unlearning are paramount.

Here are 7 inspiring traits of exceptional leaders we can incorporate into our leadership:

  1. Exceptional leaders are master storytellers.

  2. Exceptional leaders find opportunities to let others shine.

  3. Exceptional leaders seek the advice and input from others.

  4. Exceptional leaders have their teams back during tough times.

  5. Exceptional leaders take accountability and know when to apologize.

  6. Exceptional leaders care while treating everyone with dignity and respect.

  7. Exceptional leaders express appreciation and give credit where credit is due.

Source: Glen Leibowitz, CFO Consultant

III. We Always Have a Choice

Each moment of every day, we have the unique opportunity to choose how we will live, love, and lead. We can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth ― the choice is always ours.

May the following affirmations guide us forward on the journey this new month:

  • I choose what I think and feel.

  • I choose what stays in my inner world.

  • I choose what I let go of and what I welcome in.

  • I have the power of choice, and that frees me automatically.

  • I am making better decisions today, and I choose the best for myself.

IV. What We’re Excited About

Are you an experienced professional looking to gain clarity on your next move? 

Check out Execs On Deck, an 8-week fellowship that supports accomplished leaders with 12+ years of experience looking for VP and C-Suite roles at world-changing startups.

The program includes six 1:1 executive coaching sessions, personalized introductions to top startups looking for talent, and a world-class peer community to help you find (or create) that perfect next role.

Space is limited - applications for the inaugural cohort close May 2nd.

V. Question

How does your self-doubt feel? What quiets your doubt and elevates your confidence?

VII. This Week, I Will

  1. Sit in silence.

  2. Trust my worth.

  3. Hold myself accountable.

  4. Listen without judgment.

  5. Be intentional with my intentions.

The Last Words…

“You have come so far. Please think about where you were a year ago, or three, or five, or seven. You have scaled mountains, you have overcome things you once thought you never would. You have done things you didn't think you could do, even if some of those were just getting out of bed and facing another day.”

Brianna Wiest, 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think

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