Sunday Thinking

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become.”

The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"This has to be the time when you become your own best friend. I hope this is the time you commit to being your own ally. To learning the depth of your resilience. To saying kinder things to yourself. To being the one who cheers you on. Life will get lighter when you have your own back. And I hope, if you commit to nothing else, that you commit to yourself. That you learn to love the parts of yourself that have been hard to love. That you are a compassionate voice within. That you hear yourself over the noise of the world. That you know you can handle pretty much anything because you have you this time.​ ​Commit to that. Make that a priority. The relationship you have with yourself is forever. Be your own fiercest champion. Learn to accept what you have been taught to not love. Be a soft place to land in a harsh world. It's worth it. You're worth it. Your own love is worth fighting for."

― Jamie Varon, Radically Content

I. Elevate Your Life

If you are unhappy, start with the body.

  • Nourish it. Rest it. Move it.

If you are uninspired, start with the mind.

  • Excite it. Expose it. Open it.

If you are unmotivated, start with the heart.

  • Find your why. Do something that matters. Be of service.

For every undesirable state of being, there are at least three ways to elevate your mood and shift your emotional trajectory.

Source: Vex King, Healing Is the New High

II. The Power of G.R.I.T.

There is power in passion and perseverance. We can only inspire others to be their best selves if we show up every day striving to be our best selves. We can do this by living out, daily, the power of G.R.I.T. — growth, resilience, initiative, and team.

  • Growth — We grow by embracing challenges, sustaining effort, and developing new strategies.

  • Resilience — We bounce back when we have struggled, faltered, or failed; we collect ourselves and get back to the business of pursuing our goal with optimism.

  • Initiative — We don’t wait for others to initiate change, rather we are proactive, speak truth to power, champion new ideas, and challenge the status quo.

  • Team — We value individual commitment to the group effort: Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships.

Source: Didier Occident, Secure The Bag Financial Literacy Program

III. Inward with Clarity & Connection

11 ways to make the most of May:

  1. Let go of perfection

  2. Make rest a high priority

  3. Slow down to think clearly

  4. Say no without feeling bad

  5. Stop jumping to conclusions

  6. Do not rush important things

  7. Pay attention to your intuition

  8. Only commit to what is doable

  9. Be generous but have boundaries

  10. Appreciate the small steps forward

  11. Stay aligned with your highest goals

Source: Yung Pueblo, Lighter

IV. What We’re Excited About

Your Newsletter Could be Growing Faster.

Why are all your favorite newsletters switching to beehiiv?

It’s because the founding beehiiv team were all early Morning Brew employees who helped scale that newsletter to over 4 million daily subscribers.

Years of experience went into building the precise tools and surfacing the optimal data needed to successfully scale a newsletter…and now, every newsletter on beehiiv has access to this type of ecosystem.

So, what exactly does beehiiv offer?

  • World-class growth tools like the referral program and recommendation network

  • Monetization via premium subscriptions and their ad network

  • Seamless and flexible content creation with a sleek collaborative editor

  • Best-in-class inbox deliverability of 99.9%

Not to mention, it’s the most affordable email platform on the market.

V. Question

Do you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be?

VI. This Week, I Will

  1. Listen to my body.

  2. Take it one step at a time.

  3. Let go of what I can't control.

  4. Inhale self-love and exhale self-doubt.

  5. Trust that those hard moments will pass.

The Last Words…

"Every day is a new day. What other people think of you is none of your business. If it's meant to be it'll be. Be your own source of happiness. You don't have to follow trends and do what everyone else is doing. How your life feels is more important than how it looks. Embrace your vulnerability. Don't let the world harden you into a person you are not. The first step is always the hardest. Stop rushing the process.You have survived 100% of your bad days. A year from now, you'll wish you had started today. You've got this."

― Alysha Waghorn, Wonderland

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