Sunday Thinking

"Every day does not need to be a huge win for it to be a step forward."

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"Your problem is how you are going to spend this one odd and precious life you have been issued. Whether you're going to spend it trying to look good and creating the illusion that you have power over people and circumstances, or whether you are going to taste it, enjoy it and find out the truth about who you are.”

 — Anne Lamott, Novelist

I. 5 Things to Quit Right Now

  1. Trying to please everyone.

  2. Fearing change.

  3. Living in the past.

  4. Putting yourself down.

  5. Overthinking.

II. Mindsets for the 21st Century

Leading and coaching in the 21st century will require us to be:

  • Positive Difference Makers

  • Truth-Tellers & True Believers

  • Fresh Thinkers & Servant Leaders

  • Open Minded & Lifetime Students

  • Strategic Risk Takers & Discipline Listeners

  • Voracious Readers & Compelling Storytellers

III. There Is No Finish Line

Things we should never stop doing no matter how old we are:

  1. Never stop dreaming. A person without imagination can hardly find the joy of life.

  2. Never stop saying “I love you”. It’s never too much. Tell your loved ones you love them every day.

  3. Never stop exploring. The world is so big that we should never stay in our comfort zone.

  4. Never stop doing good deeds. Though you may not get returns, you’ll be satisfied and fulfilled when you look back.

  5. Never stop having faith in yourself. A strong faith can carry you to anywhere you want.

  6. Never stop learning. When one stops learning, one dies.

Source: Lifehack

V. What We’re Excited To Read Daily

We know how much Daily Coach readers truly value getting quick and concise info straight to your inbox. That’s why we can’t recommend Sideline Sprint enough, you’ll become a smarter sports fan in just 5 minutes each day!Sideline Sprint is a FREE daily newsletter for the most impactful stories from around the sports world.Sideline Sprint cuts through the noise to bring you the sports news you actually care about. But it also makes you smarter. Wondering if Aaron Rodgers is leaving the Packers or if the media is blowing something out of proportion per usual? Sideline Sprint tells you the facts in a less than 5-minute read, for free.Don't just get sports news, get insights.

V. Question

Which of my relationships are win-win? Which of my relationships are one-sided?

VI. This Week I Will

  1. Stay hungry.

  2. Stay humble.

  3. Take accountability. 

  4. Step forward into growth.

  5. Worry less, have more faith.

The Last Words…

“Every single step counts. Even the tiniest of efforts you put into everyday take you closer to your better days. Know that when it's too difficult and you are struggling to hang in there, it's the little changes and the little choices you dare to make that help you move towards hope again. So don't discredit yourself if you didn't accomplish a lot today. If you don't give up on life and its possibilities even on your darkest days; if you believe with all your heart that even the worst of things in your life can turn out to be the best for you; the right time will come and things will change and one day you will look back to this day with peace and gratitude that you had the courage to choose to stay.”

— Dhiman, Artist

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