Sunday Thinking

Acknowledging mistakes and welcoming the diversity of thoughts are two lessons many leaders fail to master.

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

“To Fear: You are not allowed to swallow me. You will not make a home out of my heart. I am not afraid of you anymore. I welcome your presence in my life because it forces me to see myself as I truly am, a warrior—a fighter. A resilient being ready to look you in the face, and force you to watch me succeed. Over the years, you’ve been one of my greatest teachers. You’ve shown me how to get up after being forced to the ground, you’ve helped me to find my power. I am ascending past the things that have scared and scarred me the most. Nothing can stop me, not even your convincing. I was not made to shrink. I am here to take up space. I am worthy of being seen.”

— Alexandra Elle, Author & Wellness Consultant

I. Wisdom For The Heart

  • Know when to leave & Read and write more.

  • Remain teachable & Stay holistically healthy.

  • You are not your job title & Keep in touch with friends.

  • Networking is about giving & Find a mentor be a mentor.

  • Do not spend what you don't have & Practice the art of storytelling.

II. What We Humans Value

  • Love & Loyalty

  • Empathy & Truth

  • Kindness & Integrity

  • Respect & Acceptance

  • Knowledge & Honesty

  • Leadership & Responsibility

  • Consideration & Appreciation

Take time to understand the paths others have walked to get to where they are today. Each of us has a story waiting to be told. But it is our responsibility to mindfully listen.

III. Think Before You Speak

Before you speak, ask yourself:

  1. Is it Kind?

  2. Is it Necessary?

  3. Is it True?

  4. Does it Improve the Silence?

Source: Sathya Sai Baba, Revered Spiritual Teacher

IV. Question

What do you appreciate most about your life right now and why?

V. This Week I Will

  1. Practice active listening.

  2. Read a book for at least 30 minutes each day.

  3. Detox from technology at least an hour before bed.

  4. Recognize and write down opportunities for growth.

  5. Switch something up in my day and notice how it feels.

The mind needs to be stretched beyond its comfort zone to stay fit. 

The Last Words…

“Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life.”

— Lin-Manuel Miranda, Award-Winning Composer, Lyricist & Actor

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