Sunday Thinking

"To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”

The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"It is only heavy because you are deciding over and over again to carry it. Embrace change, loosen up your sense of identity, let yourself walk a new path. You do not have to ignore or erase the past, you just have to wholeheartedly embrace the present and move on."

― Yung Pueblo, The Way Forward

I. The Mental Battle

The hard way is rarely harder in terms of daily effort, but it is often harder psychologically.

It requires:

  • thinking long-term

  • removing limiting beliefs

  • avoiding the lure of status and approval

  • trusting that small things will lead to big things

It’s a mental battle.

Source: James Clear, 3-2-1 Newsletter

II. Things Can Coexist

Things can coexist...

  • You can work really hard and then rest at the same intensity.

  • You can push yourself to the limit and still be kind to yourself.

  • You can work on yourself and have self-acceptance for the parts you're working on.

  • You can be highly ambitious for the future and still be content with the present.

  • You can want more out of life and be grateful for everything it's given you.

  • You can dream big and still celebrate the small wins.

  • You can have doubt and trust yourself through it.

  • You can feel fear and still go ahead with confidence.

Source: Sean Einhaus, Founder of Antidote Retreats

III. 10 Powerful Lessons

  1. Actions speak louder than words.

  2. Until we change our story, we can't change our experience.

  3. You are not your thoughts.

  4. In order to receive, you have to stay open.

  5. If it requires you to betray your boundaries, trust it's not for you.

  6. Rushing usually ends up taking longer in the long run.

  7. Your relationships are the most important thing to your happiness.

  8. Pause before you react so that you can respond from a place of love and authenticity.

  9. Doubt is inevitable, move forward anyway.

  10. What you put in, you get out.

Source: Amber Lyon, You Are a Magnet

IV. What We’re Excited About

Invest and Help Keep Kids Safe with Gryphon Security

Parents today face unprecedented challenges as kids spend upwards of 8 hours per day in front of screens, leading to poor sleep, high blood pressure, obesity, and mental health issues. Cybercrimes against children have risen by 20% in 2022, and home networks are increasingly prone to cybercrime.

Gryphon offers an AI-powered network protection service with a robust mesh WiFi system and an intuitive mobile app, safeguarding families online easily.

Recent accomplishments:

  • Over $12M in total revenue since launch.

  • 3x growth in paid subscribers over the past 2 years.

  • Over 80K Gryphons sold protecting families and small businesses.

  • 10 patents awarded covering advanced network protection.

  • Featured in Forbes, Tom's Guide, PC Mag, and Wall Street Journal.

V. Question

What is a small pleasure that brings me great joy? Can I enjoy it today?

VI. This Week, I Will

  1. Focus on the next step.

  2. Close chapters and trust life.

  3. Stay open to beautiful new things. 

  4. Simplify and get back to the basics.

  5. Appreciate exactly where I am in this moment. 

The Last Words…

“Everyone talks about showing up every single day and doing the work. But no one talks about how sometimes it takes every ounce of you to do so. Everyone tells you to keep going, but no one talks about the courage it takes to persevere when you are this close to giving up. Everyone tells you to be gentle with yourself, but no one talks about how hard it is when your thoughts have become your worst enemy. Everyone talks about self-love, but no one mentions the inner chaos you must confront first due to all the times you were told you're not good enough and were constantly compared to others. So, if you're struggling to keep up with all the external voices dictating what you should be doing right now, know that you're not weak. In fact, you're being your strongest self at this moment. Focus on taking only the step ahead of you. You've come a long way, and that means everything.”

― Aysha, Soft Healing Growth

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