Sunday Thinking

"When you romanticize the future more than the past, you move forward. But when you romanticize the present, you become free."

The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"Sometimes, we sabotage our relationships because what we really want is to find ourselves, though we are afraid to be alone. Sometimes, we sabotage our professional success because what we really want is to create art, even if it will make us seem less ambitious by society's measures. Sometimes, we sabotage our healing journey by psychoanalyzing our feelings, because doing so ensures we avoid actually experiencing them. Sometimes, we sabotage our self-talk because if we believed in ourselves, we'd feel free to get back out in the world and take risks, and that would leave us vulnerable. In the end, self-sabotage is very often just a maladaptive coping mechanism, a way we give ourselves what we need without having to actually address what that need is."

― Brianna Wiest, The Mountain is You 

I. Paying the Price

Champions are willing to pay the price:

  1. First, there is respect.

  2. Respect is interconnected with trust.

  3. Trust becomes the emotional glue by which you build a team.

Source: Coach Herman Boon, Remember the Titans

II. The Courage to Start

Gentle reminders on cultivating courage as we welcome this new day and focus on what we can control while releasing what we cannot:

  • Stop counting yourself out of the game before you even attempt to play.

  • If you’re constantly waiting for “the right time,” you’ll be waiting forever. Don’t let your fear of the outcome stop you — allow yourself to start.

  • Forgiving people in silence, without reconnection, is self-care.

  • Sometimes growth looks like getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. Short-term discomfort for long-term peace.

III. The Art of Surrendering

We often think we need a “perfect map of the future” to get started. What we actually need is “a general direction.”

  • Big career decisions don’t come with a map, but all you need is a compass.

  • The right next move is the one that brings you a step closer to living your core values.

  • In an unpredictable world, you can’t make a master plan. You can only gauge whether you’re on a meaningful path.

Source: Adam Grant, Think Again

IV. What We’re Excited About

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V. Question

Our lives consist of two dates with a dash in between. It is our responsibility to make that dash count: What legacy do you want to leave behind, and are you moving in that direction with your daily living?

VII. This Week, I Will

  1. Not play small.

  2. Celebrate someone.

  3. Acknowledge my growth.

  4. Release what doesn’t align.

  5. Be intentional with my time and energy.

The Last Words…

"I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but your peace and purpose are important. Every step you take, even if you feel lost, is leading and guiding you. Do not lose sight of how far you’ve traveled in this life. I know that every path hasn’t been beautiful. I know that some days it feels hard to walk through the sandy parts of the journey. Release the idea that your pain needs to speak for you. Yes, it can have a voice and take up space—but your pain isn’t the leader of your path. Love is."

Alex Elle, Gratitude Weekly

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