Sunday Thinking

High intention and deep conviction is streaming live with love through every area of my life!

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

“It’s the small things. How you spend your morning. How you talk to yourself. What you read. What you watch. Who you share your energy with. Who has access to you. That will change your life.”

― Michael Tonge, Cultural Entrepreneur

I. Growth Is Optional

Each day is a unique opportunity to improve and evolve our relationship with:

  • Self & Truth

  • Values & Books

  • Our Mind & Body

  • The Past & Present

  • Friends & Colleagues

  • Family & Loved Ones

  • Innovation & The Future

  • Information & Knowledge

  • Our Team & Those We Lead

II. Fostering Confidence Through Self-Awareness

7 Questions to ask yourself when your confidence is low:

  1. What hard-to-notice progress am I making? Blaring failures can blind you from subtle wins.

  2. What can I learn from my past success? Spend some time reflecting on some of your highlights from the past.

  3. How's my preparation? Your level of preparation influences your level of confidence. Consider changing things up if you need to.

  4. Who's opinion am I giving too much power to? Opinions from others can evolve into self-beliefs.

  5. What am I saying to myself? You are the most important person you speak to every day make it productive.

  6. What's my purpose? A powerful purpose can cut through self-doubt.

  7. Am I focused on the results or the process? Confidence is more stable when it's attached to actions, not outcomes.

Sometimes, you'll have confidence and perform poorly. Other times, you'll lack confidence and perform great. Confidence is nice to have, but it's possible to succeed without it.

Source: Justin Su'a, Head of Mental Performance, Tampa Bay Rays

III. Redirecting the Energy of Our Fears

Too often we fear the unknown, things that have not yet arrived. What if we took a leap and let ourselves believe.

  • Instead of what if I fail? Practice asking what if I succeed?

  • Instead of why is this happening to me? Practice asking what's happening for me?

  • Instead of why is this so hard? Practice asking what strengths and resources do I have to handle it?

  • Instead of why don't I get what I want? Practice asking how do I know something better isn't on the way?

“If we would only see that all limitations are self-imposed and chosen out of fear, we would leap at once.” ― Adyashanti

IV. What We’re Excited About

Hate to break it to you, but here’s the truth…

2022 is going to be a make-or-break year for your portfolio. If you paid attention in 2021, you’d have seen that traditional financial news outlets didn’t talk about emerging market stocks or growing ESG expectations for major companies like Exxon or Blackrock--or many other things that actually affect your portfolio.

Where you get your business and investing information matters more than ever.

The Daily Upside is a free newsletter that provides unbiased, informed, and witty coverage of the biggest trends in the business world, all in a 5-minute read.

V. Question

What are you grateful for these first nine days of 2022?

VI. This Week I Will

  1. Direct my focus.

  2. Remember why I started.

  3. Take small steps every day.

  4. Be patient with my progress.

  5. Help someone who can't repay me.

The Last Words…

“We all have different selves: There is a public self, a private self and a core self. We all know the public self—it's how we put our best foot forward, smiling and behaving. But the private self is a more fundamental self, and that is where we find our frailties, our fears. It's like a clearinghouse where our demons are safe. Then there's the core self, which is our pure instinct. That's where all our goodness and capacity for kindness lives. You can feel it sometimes. When people say, ‘I feel it in my stomach,’ that's the core self. Our best comes from there, and we know how courageous and honorable we are. The core self is who we are.”

― Sidney Poitier, Wisdom Teacher

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