Sunday Thinking

The bright sunshine of my own being lights my path and shows my way!

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

“Change is supremely inconvenient, uncomfortable and naturally scary. Yet we only move through life through the process of change, reinvention and renewal, and so bravery is our quintessential rebel for pushing us past our own limiting beliefs and behaviors. Bravery is feeling the fear, immersing yourself into it and through it so you can come out the other side.”

― Christine Evangelou, Author 

I. Managing Life Stressors

We cannot serve, lead, help and love others to our maximum ability if we do not first show up for ourselves and prioritize our own self-care and stress management.

Here are tips for managing stress:

  • Spend time in nature.

  • Hydrate and get enough rest + sleep.

  • Develop a daily routine and structure.

  • Acknowledge and validate your feelings.

  • Re-write and re-frame negative self-talk.

  • Do something every day that brings you joy.

  • Move your body and eat in a way that honors it.

  • Take time to celebrate the little victories and accomplishments.

Source: Sara Kuburic, Psychotherapist

II. Co-Existing In Harmony

When we let go of the idea of perfectionism and needing to have it all together, we give ourselves graceful permission to be more authentic as leaders and positive-difference makers.

In this process, we begin to realize things can co-exist in our living:

  • Growth and mistakes can co-exist.

  • Confidence and anxiety can co-exist.

  • Learning and unlearning can co-exist.

  • Accountability and self-forgiveness can co-exist.

III. Save Some Love For Yourself

Gentle reminders for the onward journey as we focus on progress over perfection:

  • You are enough as you are.

  • Focus more on being your own source of happiness, first.

  • Not sure if anyone's reminded you lately, but everything is going to be okay.

  • Setbacks and mistakes are a normal part of the human experience, they don't mean all of your progress is erased.

Source: We The Urban

IV. What We’re Excited About

Crypto is Messi

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) have changed the game when it comes to investing in art. In fact, even Lionel Messi is planning to drop his own NFT art collection, The Messiverse.

But as buzzy as NFTs are, they are still really, really small potatoes compared to the enormous $1.7 trillion real art asset class.

Unfortunately for you, you've probably never had the chance to invest in real, tangible art — but there's been a revolution, and everyone wants in. I’m not talking about investing in your friend's painting from college, but masterpieces from Basquiat, Banksy, and Rothko

Just take a look at this:

  • Contemporary art prices have outperformed S&P returns by 164% (1995–2021).

  • Total wealth in art is projected to explode by another $1 trillion (with a T) by 2026.

  • 85% of wealth managers recommend including art in their offerings.

We're excited to partner with the premier art investing app, meaning you can invest in real, one-of-a-kind masterpieces without shelling out $5 million for paintings.

Early adopters already got a +30% net return from their first three sales. Think about that. Over 30% on all three sales. You don't need a PHD from Harvard to know that's freaking incredible. 

So it's no wonder their offerings sell quickly. In fact, investors snatched up every share of $7.4M Banksy painting in less than three hours.  

But Daily Coach Subscribers don't have to worry. 

Why? Because you all get to skip their waitlist*

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V. Question

What is something wonderful about your life that you rarely appreciate as much as you should?

VII. This Week, I Will

  1. Choose rest over stress.

  2. Choose peace over fear.

  3. Choose trust over worry.

  4. Choose joy in the process.

  5. Choose grace over judgment.

Source: Josefina H. Sanders, Artist

The Last Words…

“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn, or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”

― Denis Waitley, Motivational Speaker

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