Sunday Thinking

Today I embrace the brilliance, the bounty and the joy of my life.

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

“Life is too short to get bogged down and be discouraged. You have to keep moving. You have to keep going. Put one foot in front of the other, smile and just keep on rolling.”

— Kobe Bryant

I. Cultivating Courage

6 types of courage you need:

  1. Moral Courage: To do the right thing.

  2. Emotional Courage: To heal your wounds.

  3. Spiritual Courage: To trust the process.

  4. Physical Courage: To brave the unknown.

  5. Social Courage: To be your authentic self.

  6. Intellectual Courage: To learn and unlearn.

Source: Adrian Michael,  Husband • Father • Writer

II. The Mamba Mentality

“Initially, I thought the phrase “Mamba Mentality” was just a catchy hashtag that I’d start on Twitter. Something witty and memorable. But it took off from there and came to symbolize much more. The mindset isn’t about seeking a result — it’s more about the process of getting to that result. It’s about the journey and the approach. It’s a way of life. I do think that it’s important, in all endeavors, to have that mentality. Whether I hear an elite college or NBA player or a Fortune 500 CEO reference the #MambaMentality, I find it very meaningful. When I see people talk about finding inspiration in it, it makes all of my hard work, all of the sweat, all of the 3 AM wakeups feel worth it. That’s why I put together this book. All these pages incorporate lessons — not just lessons on basketball, but also on the Mamba Mentality.

Source: Kobe Bryant, The Mamba Mentality: How I Play

III. A Journey of Self-Discovery

  • Listen To Your Inner Voice

  • Love Yourself & Find Your Path

  • Fuel Your Soul & Tell Your Story

  • Follow Your Heart & Sing Your Song

  • Honor Your Body & Dance Your Dance

  • Open Your Eyes & Stand In Your Truth

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” — Robert Frost

IV. Question

Do you speak and act in ways that are in alignment with your truth?

V. This Week I Will

  1. Own my life.⁣

  2. Celebrate life.

  3. Take baby steps.

  4. Express my love.

  5. Practice forgiveness.

The Last Words…

“When I was young, my mindset was image, image, image. I took that approach with the media. As I became more experienced I realized: No matter what, people are going to like you or not like you. So be authentic, and let them like you or not for who you actually are. At that point, I started keeping all of my answers blunt and straightforward. I would mix in some humor and sarcasm, too. I think fans and reporters came to appreciate that, came to appreciate the real me.”

― Kobe Bryant

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