Sunday Thinking

"The most valuable gift you can give yourself is the time to nurture the unique spirit that is you."

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

“Please, don't forget to celebrate yourself — celebrate your wins, celebrate your work, celebrate your growth, celebrate your recovery, celebrate your smile, celebrate your breath...celebrate your being. Celebrate yourself every day, even when you don't think you deserve to.”

— Joél Leon, Storyteller & Artist

I. 8 Dimensions of Self-Care

Self-care is multidimensional:

  1. Mental: How we think.

  2. Physical: How we eat, move and rest.

  3. Emotional: How we express ourselves.

  4. Relational: How we connect with others.

  5. Financial: How we allocate our resources.

  6. Spiritual: How we illuminate our inner truth.

  7. Aptitudinal: How we contribute to the world.

  8. Environmental: How we harmonize with nature.

“I have to do what's right for me and focus on my mental health and not jeopardize my health and well-being. That's why I decided to take a step back.” — Simone Biles

II. Creative Living Beyond Fear

Fear has two meanings:

  • Forget Everything And Run.

  • Face Everything And Rise.

The choice is ours. What will we choose?

“Fear and anxiety are driven by our concern about what may happen in the future, patiently bringing ourselves back to the present moment will remove the energy that is building up in these imaginary future narratives that are not based in reality.” — Yung Pueblo

III. The “Just Do It” Plan

  • See the need + Identify the cause.

  • Take the lead + Find the right partners.

  • Establish a goal + Remain true to your purpose.

  • Develop a plan + Prepare for setbacks.

  • Adapt and improvise + Recruit others to the cause.

  • Trust your teammates + Compete.

  • Do the right thing.

Source: Phil Knight, Co-founder and Chairman Emeritus of Nike, Inc.

IV. What We’re Excited About

The Daily Coach is focused on life-long learning so when we found out about Dewwy we couldn’t be more excited to share it with you!

Dewwy texts you the best productivity/personal growth/continuous-learning content 3x a week.

To sign up FREE for Dewwy and get personal growth texted to you 3x week, simply click the button below and text “Hi.” It’s that easy!

V. Question

What are you like when you bring down your walls and your vulnerability has space to step forward?

VI. This Week I Will

  1. Engage in positive self-talk.

  2. Be intentional about self-care.

  3. View my struggles with kindness.

  4. Educate. Evaluate. Elevate. Empower.

  5. Breathe deeply and protect my energy.

The Last Words…

“I hope today you remember that the sky is not humiliated by its vastness, and the mountains remain unashamed of their height. Mother Earth and her oceans are not afraid of their size, and the sun is not concerned if someone has to squint their eyes—it will shine and it will not apologize for its light. And like the trees teach us that it's okay to lose our leaves as seasons change and then come back to life, I hope that nature teaches us to look at ourselves and be kind. I hope that we don't dim or shrink or fold into spaces far too tight. Yes, today I hope you look at yourself and you are kind.”

— Sophie Diener, Poet

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