Sunday Thinking

"You don't need to have all the answers right now. You just need to focus on the next small step in front of you."

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"Life has a way of throwing challenges at us that can seem impossible to get through, and it's during these times that our inner strength is truly tested. I want you to know that you are not alone in holding what you're going through. You're not weak for needing a break or for putting things down. Take your time as you heal.There is no rush to get to the next chapter. I know you wish you could make time move faster so you don't have to feel how you feel right now but hold steady. The baby steps help you honor your process. It's not always about what's next. Sometimes, what matters most is respecting the now and being present with it."

― Alex Elle, Gratitude Journal

I. Time Assets vs. Time Debts

Time assets are choices that save you time in the future.

  • Think: saying no to a meeting, automating a task, working on something that persists and compounds.

Time debts are choices that must be repaid and cost you time in the future.

  • Think: saying yes to a meeting, doing sloppy work that will need to be revised, etc.

Time assets are an investment. Time debts are an expense.

Source: James Clear, The 3-2-1 Newsletter

II. Choose Courage, Choose You

Pick the path that lights you up. The one you know deep down is the right choice.

  • stop listening to doubt.

  • start connecting with courage.

  • do not let the idea of normal get in the way.

It may not be the easy path but you know great things take effort.

  • lean into your determination.

  • lean into your mission.

  • lean into the real you.

Source: Yung Pueblo, Lighter

III. Change Your Story, Change Your Life

What's the number one thing that's holding most people back from reaching their full potential?

  • The story. The story they sell themselves on.

  • Everyone's got a story and everyone wants to tell you their story of how bad they had it, how hard they had it.

  • And the more times you tell yourself or others that story, the more you reinforce the fact that you're not meant to have happiness, success, abundance, great relationships, and awesome health.

They don't realize that they still hold the pen. There's thousands of empty pages still in that book that they can rewrite that story.

  • We have to let go of the pages that others have written in our book and realize we have this pen and we can start writing how the story looks from this day forward.

But what's stopping them is the work that they haven't done.

  • The work of healing through their traumas, their insecurities, their limiting beliefs, the glass ceiling.

Source: Bedros Keuilian, Founder and Author

IV. We’re Excited About

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V. Question

If you had to define your purpose in one sentence, what would it be, and how does it influence the choices you make in your daily life?

VI. This Week, I Will

  1. Inhale gratitude, exhale the past.

  2. Identify and maintain the standard.

  3. Create boldly and share courageously.

  4. Trust beautiful things are on their way to me.

  5. Lean into change, consistency, and connection.

The Last Words…

"You are beautifully positioned to make the next step in your life, placed with purpose to advance into the next stages of your growth. Water yourself with patience and trust the season you’re in currently even if it’s taking time to see the flowers from your bloom."

Billy Chapata, Flowers on the Moon

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