Sunday Thinking

Real and meaningful changes take place in the field of my willingness.

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

“The truth, it turns out, is quite different. As these examples from the past demonstrate, courageous leadership is actually a result of individual people committing to work from their stronger selves, discovering a mighty purpose, and motivating others to join their cause.”

— Nancy Koehn

I. The Art of Self Management

Self-management is the mindful practice of controlling the controllable.

  1. Time & Focus

  2. Thoughts & Energy

  3. Attitude & Behavior

  4. Dedication & Passion

  5. Commitment & Enthusiasm

II. How Is It Serving You?

Things that aren’t serving you:

  • Outdated thought patterns. Open your mind.

  • Recycling negative energy. Let go.

  • One-sided relationships hanging on by a thread. Cut the cord.

  • Self-defeating talk. Remember who you are.

  • Toxic Exposure. Guard your mind.

Source: Lalah Delia, Vibrate Higher Daily

III. Notes to Self

  • Be a spy on the future.

  • Have more robust conversations.

  • Don’t make yourself easy to dismiss.

  • Only give love that a person can feel.

  • Build yourself into a learning machine.

  • Don’t silence the voices you disagree with.

  • Reach for your outer limits. Stretch beyond the known and the comfortable.

IV. Question

In the next month, I want to…?

V. This Week I Will

  1. Sacrifice.⁣

  2. Go deeper.

  3. Choose joy.

  4. Own my time.

  5. Not take myself too seriously.⁣

The Last Words…

“The power for authentic leadership is found not in external arrangements but in the human heart. Authentic leaders in every setting—from families to nation-states—aim at liberating the heart, their own and others, so that its powers can liberate the world.”

― Parker J. Palmer

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