Sunday Thinking

My gratitude opens doors and activates unlimited opportunities. This moment is a new beginning for my life!

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

I. Strategic Innovation

“Discovery is about engaging the world as a classroom, to extract the ideas that will create the future.” ― Beth Comstock

  • We have no choice but to respond to rapid change. Learning is a process that has no beginning, middle, or end. Self-education is life itself.

  • Redesign the way we do things. We must unlearn to relearn while undoing to do.

  • Reinvigorate the way we think. It is a wise person who views being uncomfortable and criticism as a gift.

  • The 6 Strategic Drivers: Reinvent, Rethink, Reimagine, Rebuild, Redesign and Redouble.

II. Ego Work

Awakening or waking up is becoming conscious of the little voice in our head ―  the ego. Our egos chatter all day long. They tell stories based on our internalized past.

  • Ego Story: “I am too late. I should have done this years ago.”

    • Authentic Self: I am exactly where I am meant to be + trusting the timing of my life.

  • Ego Story: “It's selfish to have boundaries or to put myself first.”

    • Authentic Self: Stating my limits + my needs is the greatest act of self-love.

  • Ego Story: “I'm afraid of being judged.”

    • Authentic Self: I am safe to be seen, safe to express, + safe to be who I am regardless of what that brings up in others.

  • Ego Story: “They betrayed me.”

    • Authentic Self: They betrayed themselves.

Source: Dr. Nicole LePera, How to Do the Work: Recognize Your Patterns, Heal from Your Past, and Create Your Self

III. Today We Affirm: Spring Renewal

Gentle reminders for a season of purposeful growth and renewal:

  • Sit in trust, stand in the truth, and rise in wholeness.

  • See challenges as opportunities. Diamonds are crystallized under pressure.

  • Life doesn’t happen to us, it happens for us. With each passing season, we will emerge different from the person who first encountered it.

  • Moments of stillness, enlightenment, self-discovery, and personal transformation — no matter the days, weeks, months, and years it takes — become the beauty of life.

“If we had no winter the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” — Anne Bradstreet

IV. What We’re Eating

The Daily Coach is not just focused on a healthy mind but a healthy body as well, and that’s why we recommend Proper Good to help kick start your next healthy lunch or dinner.

Proper Good makes some of the tastiest and healthiest zero-prep meals you could ever wish for - made with ultra-clean and functional ingredients, zero added sugar, and they’re ready to eat in just 90-seconds... plus there's no fridge needed so enjoy at home or on-the-go at work, just tear the top off and pop in the microwave.

V. Question

How am I taking shape in this season of my life?

VI. This Week I Will

  1. Focus on consistency.

  2. Prioritize my wellbeing.

  3. Respect my uniqueness.

  4. Spread goodness and bloom.

  5. Focus on good vibes + energy.

The Last Words…

“If you have lived your life, you will welcome death. It will come like a rest, like a great sleep. If you have peaked, climaxed in your life, then death is a beautiful rest, a benediction. But if you have not lived, then of course death creates fear. If you have not lived, then certainly death is going to take time from your hands, all future opportunities to live. In the past you have not lived, and there is going to be no future: fear arises. Fear arises not because of death but because of unlived life.”

― Osho, The Art of Living and Dying

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P.S. Searching for a book recommendation? Our team at The Daily Coach highly recommends Inward by Yung Pueblo. From poet, meditator, and speaker Yung Pueblo, comes a collection of poetry and prose that explores the movement from self-love to unconditional love, the power of letting go, and the wisdom that comes when we truly try to know ourselves. It serves as a reminder to the reader that healing, transformation, and freedom are possible.