Sunday Thinking

"There are older versions of you that only exist because other people give them oxygen, and you are not obligated to keep those versions alive to make other people happy."

The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"Don't be desperate, don't be in a rush. Instead, let go and be calm, align. When we are in a rush we get caught up in the ego, the ego is always fearful. The desperation is the reaction of the ego to all the fear, it wants to be in control so bad all the time. But nothing fruitful comes out of it. Things that you attract by simply letting go are way more aligned with you. There are two ways to go about life, either you can be desperate and try your best or you can be centered and do your best. Chances are that when you are calm and centered because of letting go, you will flow with life and the snowball effect will take you places the ego can't even think of. Let go. Be calm. Be centered. Just be."

― Pawan Nair, The Higher Self

I. How You Made Them Feel

Your position and your title don’t make you a leader. Leadership has nothing to do with your:

  • Social status

  • Bank account

  • Or where you reside

It’s all about one life inspiring and motivating another to become the very best version of themselves.

"Being remembered for how well you treated people will always be more lasting than being remembered for what temporary things you had in your possession." ― Billy Chapata

II. The Art of People

7 C’s to build a winning team:

  1. Coaching

  2. Character

  3. Communication

  4. Commitment

  5. Contagious Energy

  6. Caring

  7. Consistency

"Some people think that in today’s hyper-competitive world, it’s the tough, take-no-prisoners type who comes out on top. But in reality, it’s actually those with the best people skills who win the day. Those who build the right relationships. Those who truly understand and connect with their colleagues, their customers, their partners. Those who can teach, lead, and inspire." ― Dave Kerpen

III. Give Your Gifts to the World

Do not die with your gifts buried inside of your heart and mind. Give your gifts to the world. You are a changemaker.

  • Someone out there needs your story.

  • Someone out there needs your testimony.

  • Someone out there needs your craft.

  • Someone out there is looking forward to your gifts.

Give yourself permission to show up, even when you're scared. You get one life. Live it. Let your dreams, hopes, and desires take root in your life. You never know who is waiting for you to bless them with your gift. Big or small—show up. We need you.

Source: Alex Elle, How We Heal

IV. What We’re Excited About

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V. Question

What changes need to be made to my current systems or habits to more appropriately align with my goals?

VI. This Week, I Will

  1. Rest, but still put in the work.

  2. Embrace and lean into the unknown.

  3. Practice not taking things personally.

  4. Prioritize my physical and mental health.

  5. Approach adversity with empathy and curiosity.

The Last Words…

"It takes bravery to break old habits, to turn to the voice inside of your own head and say: I will not let you speak to me that way. It takes courage to sit down and have a conversation with your mistakes. Growth is uncomfortable; it's slow and rarely steady, but I promise you that nothing in full bloom will ever tell you that the struggle wasn't worth it. Take a moment to realize just how far you've come. Look at all the bridges you've crossed, everything you've done. There were times you thought the world was ending, and you still held on to see it through. And I know you don't give yourself credit for the little things, but there is strength in those things too. Try to remember that forever is only the sum of right nows. You will never have everything figured out. Life is allowed to look like a renaissance piece and a work in progress at exactly the same time. Don't wait until the day is perfect to look up and watch the sunrise."

― Sian Wilmot, SRW Poetry

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