Sunday Thinking

“Let this be a sign that you are exactly where you're meant to be. It's all coming together. Divinely orchestrated, perfectly timed.”

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"Move fast with a calm mind, and the world is yours. It's rare to have both. Speed and composure. Intensity and stillness. Unrelenting force, with untouchable self- control. Most are born one way. They race through life, or life races by them. If you're too slow, you need pressure. If you're too fast, you need a wall. To make you pause. To make you look at where you are. Eventually, you reach a point where you can speed 100 miles an hour, but it feels like slow-motion. And that's when your life changes forever."

― Zach Pogrob, Obsession Diaries

I. How We Grow

Your competition isn't other people.

  • Your competition is your procrastination.

  • Your competition is your negative thoughts.

  • Your competition is your comfort zone.

Compete against that ― this is how we grow.

Source: Jon's Running, Athlete and Digital Creator

II. Skin in the Game

3 cardinal rules for sustainability and longevity:

  1. Surround yourself with people whose eyes light up when they see you coming.

  2. Slowly is the fastest way to get to where you want to be.

  3. The top of one mountain is the bottom of the next, so keep climbing.

Source: André De Shields, Actor and Singer

III. The World Is Calling

Procrastination is a form of fear and it is difficult to acknowledge fear. But the truth is that you cannot create anything of value without both self-doubt and self-belief.

  • Without self-doubt, you become complacent.

  • Without self-belief, you cannot succeed.

  • You need both.

The world is calling you. There is work to be done. There are tarnished things that need to shine again. There are broken things that to be made whole again.

Source: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Author

IV. What We’re Excited About

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V. Question

What is a small, but courageous choice you can make today?

VI. This Week, I Will

  1. Do more of what I love.

  2. Allow myself time to think.

  3. Prioritize intentional quiet time.

  4. Move and lead with a calm mind.

  5. Set out to have a beautiful week.

The Last Words…

"If you only knew everything that the universe is doing to support you—how your hard work is paying off in ways you can't yet perceive. One day, you'll step back, and you'll finally see it all so clearly: how the tangled knots of your unique path unraveled in divine timing-never too early, never too late. How it all unfolded perfectly to lead you somewhere even greater than you had imagined. You'll see the magic that created your life. The beauty in the messiness. The richness of your everyday world, in all of its colors. You'll see how every long night, every early morning, every yes, every no—it was all for a reason. It all meant something. And you'll recognize how some paths had to end so others could begin. How some things had to fall apart so something new could come together. And how you had to climb your tallest mountain before you could soar. And maybe you can't see it now, but I promise, there's a reason your heart has guided you here. You're right on time. It's coming. You're exactly where you need to be."

― Zanna Keithley, This Is How You Find Your Way

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